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Museum's Late Breaking News Stand


Here's the latest news on Chick tracts, updates to this site, and misc. news!

(View also Chick memories 14 section for updated emails & Facebook for feedback.)

If you have news of interest to Chick collectors and/or fans, E-mail our curator Be aware that all emails are subject to public posting in our memories section unless you state otherwise in your note.


Breaking News

You may have missed the news that Jack Chick passed away in his sleep, Sunday Night, Oct. 23rd, 2016. (The election distracted from much coverage of anything else.) It's the end of an era. Brandy Zadrozny from The Daily Beast contacted me about it (as did Dan Barry from The New York Times). Both outlets have very secular audiences, so one would expect hostile treatment of the artist. However, Brandy's essay shows a great deal of interest and respect.

Although he is no longer alive, Chick continued to release new tracts every two months-- tracts he drew and stockpiled in anticipation of his death. The first posthumous example of his tracts was released early November, entitled Watch Out! Heh continued to publish more original tracts up until Nov. 2018 with Friend or Foe? After that, new tracts were drawn by Fred Carter (until 2022) and then, David Daniels.

Now deceased, friends and followers are revealing photos they kept hidden of Chick to protect him from any fanatics who might attempt to enforce the Islamic fatwa (edict) to kill artists who draw pictures of Mohammed. Chick also received death threats from gay activists after publishing The Gay Blade in 1972, and various Catholic supporters after publishing Alberto in 1979, but recent assassinations of other cartoonists who dared draw Mohammed indicate the Islamic threat was most real. Chick devoted an entire full color comic book that both depicted and criticized Mohammed back in 1988, as well as numerous black and white tracts. The fact he lived to the ripe old age of 92 would seem to suggest he was very lucky or protected by a higher power.

The King of Underground Comics is dead... Long live The King!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chick's long time co-artist, Fred Carter, died May 3rd, 2022 at the age of 83. Fred drew about half of Chick's tracts, all 25 of his Crusader comics, and nearly all of the 363 beautiful paintings featured in the Bible movie, Light of the World. We are celebrating both his and Jack's cartooning legacy by reprinting the tract below. You can email us (subject heading "promo tract reprint" to be notified when it or any other rare reprints become available.)

Chick Promo Reprint

Above: The super rare Chick promo, reprinted during our Kickstarter and found here.



Chick Podcasts

Several Podcasts on Chick

Multiple series of podcasts on Chick & his Tracts have been produced (and you can hear them for free). Here are just some of the recent ones:


99% Invisible (July 11, 2023). (Episode 544, Chick Tracts.) Features interviews with David Daniels, Kurt Kuersteiner, and Dan Raeburn.


Fascinating Nouns (May 29, 2023, Episode 230. Jack Chick the Christian Crusader Comic Creator. (Interviews Kurt Kuersteiner, author of Art of Jack T. Chick)

(Follow up podcast audio about Kurt's visit to Chick Publications, as well as Fred Carter remarks.)


American Hysteria with Chelsey Weber-Smith: Three part (4 chapters) fully immersive audio series on Chick & his tracts (from a gay perspective):

Context Clues -where they review previous episodes that tie into Chick tracts (March 12, 2023) American Hysteria. (45 min long.)

Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. (March 20 - April 3, 2023) American Hysteria. (About 1 hour long each.)


Our Curious Past podcast on Chick & his tracts, with Peter Laws. (Episode 11, Sept. 2, 2022)


Leaving Eden podcast (series that condemns conservative Chrisitan groups and influencers like Chick). Episode 64 Dec. 13, 2021 The Beefy Boys 4 Jesus (1Hour 50 min. critique of Chick's full color Crusader comic books).

Leaving Eden podcast (series that condemns conservative Chrisitan groups and influencers like Chick). Episode 34 May 10, 2021 Chick Tracts: Jack Chick's Bathroom Reading Material / Brainwashing. (2 hour critique of Chick's comic tracts.)


Omnibus Podcast (series that profiles "strange but obscure human knowledge"). Episode 214, May 26, 2020: Chick Tracts (1 Hour 18 min. critique of Chick tracts).


Catholic Truth Nov. 26, 2020. (Catholic podcast that attacks critics of the Vatican). Nov. 25, 2020: Exposing Jack Chick and his Anti-Catholic tracts. (16 min.)


Parody Tract Parody Sample

Our Chick "homage" tract from our book now an actual tract!

We finally got around to producing our killer parody tract first commissioned for the book, but never printed as an actual tract: “The Collector.” It features incredible artwork by Hal Robins, drawing in Chick’s style, and the story is a humorous (but respectful) homage to the King of Underground tracts: JTC! This looks and feels like an actual Chick tract, but it clearly states on the back that it is not. This is a collector’s collectible, with all the best Chick tract tropes and Easter eggs scattered throughout it. And best of all, it’sincluded free with our new retrospective of Jack Chick DVD, which is available here for $12.

That's right, The Jack Chick Mausoleum of Fine Art Talk is a DVD recording of the public presentation about Jack T. Chick's roller-coaster comic tract career, as delivered by Kurt Kuersteiner (author of The Art of Jack T. Chick, and director of God’s Cartoonist, The Comic Crusade of Jack Chick). Chick became the most published author alive by writing and self-publishing his own gospel cartoon tracts… nearly 1 billion of which have been printed by Chick Publications. Although Chick died in October 2016 at age 96, his company continues to print new tracts by David Daniels and Fred Carter. This retrospective was given before a live audience at the Philadelphia Mausoleum of Contemporary Art on Dec. 2nd, 2017, and includes a multi-media presentation, personal stories, humorous observations, and a virtual tour of some of Chick's rare (and recently rediscovered) promo tracts. It is a great primer to learn about Chick’s unique place in American’s pop cultural history. You can order it here.

Rev. Wonderful image of Chaplain Dann

Chaplain Dann Slater dies at age 95. Dann was a long time friend of Chick and passed out over 1,000,000 Chick tracts. Like Chick, Dann was born in 1924 and served in WW2. He died on December 8th, 2019. You can find out more about him in the book below, or from his section of this site at:

Dann's BOOK! Chaplain Dann's Autobiography, From Cowboy Trails to Soldier Tales is now published. "Cowboy" Chaplain Dann is the same fellow featured in The Letter & Reverend Wonderful tract, as well as the Unwanted Crusaders comic book. He's passed out over a 1,000,000 Chick tracts, plus he drew at least a dozen different of his own self published tracts (which are all reprinted in the coffee table-sized book). You can order his new book here for just $7.)


Chick Passes 285!

That's right! Chick Publications has published over 285 different tract stories. They've published even MORE titles, but we don't consider them really different tracts if they are the same story with different ethnic groups (like THE ONE WAY vs. THE TRUE PATH), or different versions of the same stories (like THE SUPERSTAR vs. THE SLUGGER) or different titles of the same tract (like JEOPARDY vs. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL JEW vs. LOVE THE JEWISH PEOPLE). But even using this rather conservative standard of counting new tracts, TELL ME ABOUT IT is Chick's 275th unique story! Chick Publications continued to publish new tracts Chick had drawn a year before his death. We thought the last tract he drew and published posthumously was ALL GOD'S CREATURES which was published January 2018. But then the art to a tract that was thought lost was discovered, and published in November of 2018 (called Friend or Foe?). Fred Carter drew tracts until his death in May 2022. Now all the tracts are drawn AND written by David Daniels. You can view Chick's chronological list of all 285 plus titles.


New Crossover / Catch Phrase wing!

Chick loves to use catch phrases and/ or famous movie titles to attact readers to his tracts. Remember Titanic? Or The Walking Dead? Hey, if you loved the movie or TV show, you'll just have to read the comic... to make sure it has nothing to do with the title, haw-haw!Here's a list of the titles we know reference famous titles or phrases. You can check it out here.


Talking Chick broadcast

Live call-in show about Chick tracts on CD!

In April of 2001, a special call-in program was aired live on WCVC AM radio in Florida. The topic was Jack Chick and his infamous comic tracts, and the phone lines lit up! Rev. Rich Lee was the main guest explaining the history of King of underground comic publishing, but also included were taped segments from such Chick gurus as Dr. Alberto Rivera and Dr. Rebecca Brown, as well as skeptics like Dr. Walter Martin (The "Bible Answer Man") and critics like Gary Metz. This 90+ minute show has recently been made available on a 2 disk CD set. It's fast paced and fun, and cheap too! You can find out more and/or order yours here.


Chaplain Dann on Unshackled!

Cowboy Chaplain Dann, aka, the Human Tract Dispenser, has not only passed out over a million tracts, been featured in numerous Battlecry stories, and appeared in two different tracts (Rev. Wonderful and The Letter), plus two different comic books (Sabotage and Unwanted), but he has also been featured on the Unshackled radio series. Unshackled is the longest running radio drama series still on the air, and it tells stories about how Christianity changes lives. Check out the Dann Slator episodes (parts 1 & 2) on their archive page for broadcast dates 11-16-14 and 11-23-14. You may recognize a lot of the story if you read Chick's Crusader comic, Unwanted. Congratulations Chaplain Dann! You can read more about Chaplain Dann here.


A Demon's Nightmare realized... at $382.77!

On eBay, that is. Sure, it was the oversized version --the original 1962 thirty six page Rushoi version (8 x 5.5"), no less. But that's still a big chunk of change! Someone is probably enjoying those extra 12 page of comics, and it only cost them $382.61 extra cents to see it. But all kidding aside, congrats on the big win (whoever you are.)



Collectors Are Fools!

At least, that's what the public thinks about Chick tract fans when it comes to buying rare tracts. And they have a point. We DO tend to "waste" too much time and money buying tracts off eBay that were originally given away for FREE. But hey, you can't take it with you! And like Bernie Madoff proved, if everyone else thinks it's worth a lot-- maybe it IS! (At least while the music keeps playing and there is still a spare chair to grab.)

It was a record breaking eBay sale selling MISSIONARIES ARE FOOLS tract, selling for -- are you sitting down? $660.00 smack-a-roos! (Yeah, we're all disappointed it didn't go for $666.00, but the devil is in the details-- once you add priority shipping, it becomes $666!) And get this: Someone bid even MORE, a whooping $1,000.00 on it and then RETRACTED the bid. (Get thee behind me, Satan!) As it was, there were 4 other bidders and it still sold for a hefty hunk of change. Congrats to the winner, whoever they are! (Lew Schiffer, perhaps?)

But then the recent July 2023 auction of a small lot came along that sold for $1,526! It included an original "The Lost Continent", "Breakthrough", "This Book Has Been Banned" and "Operation Somebody Cares". So prices are going upward on older Chicks!


New "Slick" Chick Tract Club Promo

We bought ourselves a special present for Christmas, an official commercial/ promo spiel hocking membership in our Chick Tract Club. It only made sense to get a televangelist type persona to do it, so here it is in all it's glory. Those who haven't joined our humble club should check out all the benefits. It IS -after all- the perfect Christmas gift for your friends-- or even yourself!

New Tracts On-line

The latest tract published by Chick is But Everyone Does It. Other titles include Trust The Science, Now Or Never, No Way In? (the first tract drawn by David Daniels), Where's My Letter?, I Beg Your Pardon, Snowflake?, Virtual Reality, Is That All?, Tell Me About It, Just Sign Here, What About Me?, Friend or Foe?, Faithful, Who's It Gonna Be?, Limited Time Offer. All God's Creatures, God's Little Angel, I See You!, Sunk!, Adopted, Almost Time, Help (a negro version of Soul Survivor), Sunday Special? (a negro version of Happy Hour), No Justice, Look Out!, What A Shame, Kitty In The Window, Soul Survivor, Gold Fever, Keep the Secret, Holy Night, Rotten Rodney, And It Was Good!, The Greatest Insult, Sneakers (a negro evamp of Tiny Shoes), Bed Time, Where's Your Name? and Man of the Match (a revamp of Superstar), Mary's Kids, The Throw Away Kid, Kura's Ants (a black version of Charlie's Ants), Home Alone, What's Worse?, Just One More (and a negro version of One Way called The Only Way). A classic retired tract has turned up on-line: The controversial Lisa. Also, Macho, and Wounded Children.


Black Angel

New Crusaders Comic: Black Angel

Big News just announced in the new Battlecry newsletter: Crusaders #21 is available at Chick's site.

It tells the true story of a brutal gang member/ drug pusher who finds a new home through Jesus. You can read an online sample here.

This is sure to be another Fred Carter classic. Let's just hope the Black Angels don't get into any turf battles with the Green Angels... (That would be heavy, man!)


Chick Predicts Dan Wheldon Crash!

Chick's Dan WheldonDan Wheldon PhotoCar 77, where are you?

That's right! Chick (unknowingly) foresaw the tragic death of Dan Wheldon in Sunday's Oct 16, 2011 car crash, and he depicted it back in in 2005! Check out the Chick tract The Wall (with art by Fred Carter). In it, a race car driver has a wreck, gets a chance to repent, refuses, and then dies in "one of their worst crashes" on the track (tract?). The character's name is "the Kid". He looks a lot like this photo of Wheldon (above). But notice the number of his race car in several panels, including the crash: It's #77--that's the same exact car Wheldon drove in "one of their worst crashes" in racing history. No one in the mainstream media has noticed this as of Oct 19th, but then again, we all know how they try to ignore Chick. Racing fans, however, are BOUND to notice, especially since so many of them are Christians, and this tract was designed to be passed out at NASCAR events. Ironically, the tract is currently out of print (so it will probably increase in value). Whatever happens, this is one clear instance when life imitates art, (cartoon art, that is)! A special thanks to Chick tract fan Kevin for calling our attention to this.


Kurt Chick Pix

Curator Gets Chick-fil-leted!

"Did you see it?" The cameo of yours truly in Chick's in his Jan. 2012 tract, HERE COMES THE JUDGE (on page 5). No way?!? Yah, "way", that hatless cop with the clueless expression is the mastermindless behind! We're Unworthy! We're Unworthy! We're Unworthy! I guess Ol' Captain Jack felt I could serve as a useful decoy for Jesuit plots! Whatever the reason, I'm honored and flattered... Although I doubt the police force is! Haw-haw-haw!

And if that's not wild enough, David Daniels included yours unruly in one of his more recent tracts... Then What? Yeah, I'm the dad who reassures his daughter we're not all going to die from Global Warming. (God has something far more dramatic in mind!) Of course, I had no input on the plot within it (or any other tract), but any tract that opens with a rogue's gallery of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Greta Thunberg scheming to take over the world, has got to be good!


Hear Chick Speak on Halloween!

Chick has narrated a promo spot on his website. Chick has recorded several tapes for sale in the 1980s, but this is the most recent recording of his voice in this century. Hear it now. It makes a compelling argument to include Chick tracts on your Halloween Trick or Treat tray... not a bad idea for Chick tract collectors, tool (to help spread our hobby). Even if you're a hell destined secular humanist, where else can you get comic books to give away to kids for just 17 cents? And if you're looking for something to write inside the empty space on the outside back cover, just write "". It will help pass the torch to the next generation of Chick tract fans!


New "UNWANTED" Crusader Comic!

They're back, the Devout Dynamic Duo! (The fictional) Tim Clark and James Carter meet (the very real) Chaplain Dann. Yes, "Cowboy Chaplain Dann", aka, "the human tract dispenser". Dann has already made cameos in THE LETTER and REVERAND WONDERFUL tracts. Dann's real life testimony is profiled in this comic, and it reads like a roller coaster ride of danger and sin (at least until his later life). I had already heard some of these stories directly from Dann, but there were many more that completely surprised me. Another amazing detail about this comic is that it tells how Dann came to Jesus after watching an artist give a flip chart presentation about Heaven and Hell at a small gathering. Who was that artist? The comic doesn't say, but Dann will proudly tell anyone who asks: It was Jack Chick! So this is a first. Readers can actually see what Jack Chick looked like (as drawn by Fred Carter) back in the 1970s when he first met Chaplain Dann. So the title may be "UNWANTED" but Chick collectors will certainly WANT this comic. No Chick collection is complete without it!


Dark Dungeons Animated

There's a new animated version of the classic "Dark Dungeons" tract available on-line at Check it out for some classic images of the spiritual warfare between witches and Christians. It is pretty faithful to the original, although a few new lines are added with good effect, including "The Lord shall provide. Now who brought the gasoline?" Haw-haw!


Poor Revolutionists Reissued

This was a surprise, as Chick phone reps considered this a "never to be reprinted" title. But it's back with some subtle changes. Given the topic is revolution in America by leftist activists, and that one of the few updates from the 1970s version was changing the word "Communism" to "Socialism" in several places, makes one wonder if Chick isn't voicing some serious reservations about the current direction of the country is taking. The timing is also significant. It was released just before the 4th of July weekend. Check it out and see what YOU think. Or read the review of the original.


Look What's Missing

Author David Daniels (and Chick tract co-writer) finishes his latest book Look What's Missing? It deals with a topic near and dear to Chick's heart-- the modified Bibles that are changed for various reasons and how the King James Bible is still the best version. It's a very researched book showing how political correctness and other corruptive forces have changed the Bible over time, creating inconsistencies and contradictions.

No Lie

HELPFUL HINT: When you order the book, you can also order the new promo tract, No Liars In Heaven?, which is FREE (by request) when you order any literature from This tract is a promo for the book and includes images of David Daniels addressing issues covered in his book. This is a must have tract!


Chick Documentary Aired on Cable

Our documentary on Chick is played on the documentary channel... before it went out of business in 2013! (Was that punishment by the Jesuits?) But it show up several times across the nation on the channel. And those who missed it there can still order the DVD here direct from us.



Tracts Banned In Another School

If only they would crack down on sex and drugs in schools as much as they did religious tracts, Haw-haw!


Chick's First (Commercial) Comic Strip UnEarthed

Yes, we've been looking for these for years, and finally, they've turned up. It's from the 1950s newspaper strip, "Times Have Changed?" The writer was named Clayton, and Jack Chick did the art... although he probably contributed writing ideas as well. (The background gangs are classic Chick comic style!) See for yourself here.



HOT TOPICS Released!

Chick just released (11/08) a new book full of his' most controversial (and often, most popular) tracts, including ALLAH HAD NO SON, DARK DUNGEONS, and the long out of print, LISA. Plus, it features a brand new tract where the high school coach seduces one of his students... of the same sex! (It's called Home Alone) Chick hasn't gone mellow in his old age, not by a long shot! See Chick's new book, "HOT TOPICS!"


The Chick Documentary DVD is Now On Sale!

The Chick documentary is finished and making the film festivals rounds! We interviewed all the major players in Chick's comic history (except Chick himself, who doesn't allow interviews or photographs). It includes Fred Carter, Rebecca Brown, Alberto's widow (Nury Rivera), Kent Hovind (before he went to jail), Chaplain Dann, Chick assistant David Daniels, Artist Hal Robins, Conspiracy expert Ivan Stang, and authors of separate books about Chick (Bob Fowler of The World of Jack Chick and Dan Raeburn The Imp #2). It was directed by filmmaker Kurt Kuersteiner, author of the latest book on Chick (The Art of Jack T. Chick). Also included are archival recordings and videos of Alberto Rivera and John Todd, two of Chick's inspirational sources. Too busy to make it to one of the documentary film festivals? No problemo! You can go here to order it on DVD.


Web Interview on the Chick Film and Book just published an interview with author and film maker Kurt Kuersteiner regarding the new Chick documentary and his older book on Chick. It's a quirky piece, you might enjoy it. (If link fails, go here.)

And here's another one on Gary Dale Cearly's blog at


Alberto's Wife Stars in New Video

Nury Rivera, widow of Alberto Rivera, stars in a new DVD called Idols Have No Power. The Spanish video has English subtitles and follows a Spanish woman (Rivera) as she is seduced by the power of Virgin Mary idol. She eventually experiences a super-natural event that sets her straight. Nury Rivera does a remarkable job in the role, ab libbing much of the dialogue as the camera runs. Once the idol arrives on the scene, the story really picks up and packs an emotional punch. Alberto had charisma, but Nury can really act!


College Thesis on Chick Available for Free Download

One of our regular readers, Phillip Forness, has made a unique contribution to the museum and its members. He has made his graduate Thesis on Chick Tracts available for free download. You can get a pdf file of this interesting 50 page academic summary (fully illustrated) by going here:

Thanks Phillip!


Record Breaking Auction Results

eBay continues to brake new records in fetching high prices for older oversized tracts. Three tracts from the 1960s sold for a combined total over over $500. The medium oversized version of This Was Your Life sold for $90. (A super oversized version sold for $200 a few years back, but no more have appeared for sale). A medium oversized version of A Demon's Nightmare sold for $125. An oversized version of WHY NO REVIVAL (with all different art from the recent version) sold for $164.50. Also, a medium oversized version of HOLY JOE sold for $152. Also, the first version of Somebody Goofed sold for a whooping $309! (The tract contains completely redrawn art from the current version, although the story is the same. The cover is different as well.) It pays to collect Chick tracts! (At least it does if you have old ones for sale.) An even more recent auction sold a "lot" of 37 tracts for $397! (It included a medium oversized 1969 WHO ME, 1969 CREATOR OR LIAR, and 1964 THIS WAS YOUR LIFE). A medium oversized WHY NO REVIVAL (measuring 5 x 4.25 inches) broke all previous prices, selling for a whopping $622 on March 30 (2008)! This tract had art different from the current version (but the same as the other oversized WHY NO REVIVAL?s) though it does has a drawing not found in any other versions (reproduced on page 160 of THE ART OF JACK CHICK). And OPERATION SOMEBODY CARES sold in March of 2009 for $500!



John Todd Dies ... Again

John Wayne Todd, Chick's infamous "Illuminati Insider" was sent to jail back in 1988 (he claims he was set up by former Senator Strom Thurmond, who Todd got kicked off the board of Bob Jones University). Well, rumor has it that he died in a South Carolina prison last November 11th (2007, age 58). Of course, he was said to have died two times prior to that, once having been thrown out of a helicopter. So don't be quick to count those former Satanists out (they tend to keep coming back!) Oddly enough, Todd was scheduled for parole in 2005, but for some reason (Masons? Illuminati? Conspiracy?) he was denied and left to rot in jail. (or so it is said.) Another source says he was transferred to a psychiatric facility ins 2004 and died there Nov. 10, 2007. We tried to contact him on numerous occasions but our mail was never answered.


The Latest (Greatest?) Crusaders Comic

The latest Crusaders is called Jesuits, warning about the dangers of the Vatican's "black pope". This comes on the heals of two other recent Crusaders comics, Unwanted (which told the tale of Chaplain Dann's conversion to Christ) and , The Crusaders are back with a hard-hitting expose on Mormonism.. and it came out just in time for Mormon Mitt Romney and the Republican primaries (in 2012)! It's called THE ENCHANTER (an expose on Mormonism). To counter those who claim the comic is not accurate about Mormonism, Chick has included a special on-line reference showing the source to every controversial claim made.


New Version of Primal Man Comic!

Also new from The Crusaders, a new revamped version of Primal Man! It's basically the same plot, but with new evolution/ creationist arguments promoted by Kent Hovind (see below, the "Dr. Dino" headlines). You'll see newer cars, new scenes, and newer info. I expect it will also mention Dr. Kent Hovind in the acknowledgements section at the top of the first page (or page 3, if you use the tract page counting method). Now for the mad scramble to find the OLD versions if you don't already have one!


Two (previously) UNDISCOVERED Tracts!

That's right, reveals a whopping two (previously) undiscovered tracts, both copyrighted 1970. The first is called WHAT'S YOUR SCORE? It's a "have you witnessed lately" type tract, similiar to style to WHO ME, but with a Soviet KGB subplot!

The other previously undiscovered title is THE LOST CONTINENT, about the commies taking over South America. It has an illustration of South America on the cover. Both titles are extreamly rare with only one known copy found. This brings the total number of undiscovered tracts announced by our site to six (KISS INDIA GOODBYE, OPERATION SOMEBODY CARES, PSSSSST ISN'T IT TIME? and MISSIONARIES ARE FOOLS were the first four... and that's not including the negro versions of WHO ME, DEMONS NIGHTMARE, THIS WAS YOUR LIFE, or original version of WHY NO REVIVAL & SOMEBODY GOOFED). Of course, the REAL credit goes to our readers who send in what they've found. As always, they are our real eyes and ears. Who knows what else might be out there waiting to be found!

You'll be pleased to know that The Chick Tract Club reprinted WHAT'S YOUR SCORE to celebrate Chick's 200th original tract story. (You can it one FREE by joining The Chick Tract Club.) And we're about to reprint THE LOST CONTINENT to celibrate Chick's 250th original tract.

Prison Chaplain In Hot Water over Tracts

It's just like a story out of one of Chick's tracts, on this one is true! A prison chaplain is suspended for evangelizing with Chick tracts... seriously! (She was supposed to endorse what she considered are false religions, to keep the PC crowd and other forces of darkness happy). Read all about it!


More Tracts Discontinued

Chick's web site has just marked more tracts as discontinued: Here are some earlier ones:

Here He Comes!
It's Coming
The Last Generation
The Peace Maker
The Promise
Sin Busters
The Star
The Superstar
The Thief
What's Wrong With This?

Other tracts that were discontinued earlier include:

Kidnapped, War Zone, and 7 more of the Bible tracts (Caught, The Loser, Man in Black, The Outcast, The Promise, Real Heat, and Who Cares?). If you don't have 'em yet, better get 'em!


New Wing: Six Degrees of Chick Separation!

Ever hear about the Kevin Bacon game, Six Degrees of Separation? That ain't NOTHING! Check out our new wing devoted to the far more conspiratorial version, Six Degrees of Chick Separation!


Chick Blog Replaced with Facebook

The Chick Blog was a collection of headlines related directly or indirectly to Chick related topics (controversial religious issues like gay marriage, evolution in schools, Israel, the Vatican, etc.) It started July 3rd, 2006, and ran till Jan 2013. Then it moved to facebook. You're welcome to read either at your leisure. Some of the older stories are pretty interesting.


"Dr. Dino" sentenced to Ten Years.

Kent "Dr. Dino" Hovind, the author who helped revise the classic "Big Daddy" tract, plus "In The Beginning" and "It's Coming", was arrested for tax evasion. Chick Publications also distributes a series of anti-evolution videos Hovind produced. (He offers anyone $250,000.00 if they can "prove" evolution.) Hovind is in trouble with the IRS over refusing to pay taxes on what he considers a religious theme park, Dinosaur AdventureLand. Hovind also hosted a weekly radio program over the internet where he discussed, among other things, why it was illegal for religious organizations to be taxes. You can hear him interview David Daniels about a new book Chick illustrated (Did The Catholicl Church Give Us the Bible?) at this link. It plays in "real audio". As of November, 2006, Hovind was found guilty and he and his wife face a combined jail time of nearly 500 years, but he was recently sentenced for ten years for refusing to paying payrole taxes. Although that's a significant reduction, it's still overkill, considering murders and rapists get less time for far worse crimes. He is also supposed to pay $640,000, which forced the sale of the theme park. The Pensacola News Journal claimed that "Had they cooperated with the agents, they probably wouldn't be worrying about prison sentences." His wife was sentenced to one year (and served it in 2009). Kent was scheduled to be released in August 2015, and was ministering to other prisoners while incarcerated. Hovind continued to get messages out to be published on his blog. Now he is free from prison and back at ministering.


Dr. Dino's Wife Sentenced Above Guidelines

This from Dr. Dino's website after the July 2nd sentencing of his wife:

"To the many who took time to pray for Mrs. Hovind or support her in the court room, we express our deep gratitude. The sentencing guideline for her charges was zero to six months in prison as a maximum, or probation as an appropriate option. After the prosecution filed a memorandum asking for an upward departure from the recommended sentence guidelines to be applied, the Court contacted the Sentencing Commission for a clarification in this case.
The Sentencing Commission handed back the same decision as the Sentencing Guideline Book recommended—zero to six months in prison as a maximum, or probation as an appropriate option.

"In spite of these facts, Judge Rodgers ordered Mrs. Hovind to one year and one day in Federal Prison. Judge Rodgers said her reasons for the upward departure were largely based on the fact that she believed Mrs. Hovind was a “tax protestor” who conspired with her husband to evade the IRS. Those who know her, know that label to be untrue in every sense of the word.

You can read more here.


Watch ALBERTO Videos On-line

Here's a new site with actual video of Alberto preaching and doing interviews. Check it out at


Special on our Guide to Chick Tracts!

We're offering a special gift package with our book on Chick tracts, The Art of Jack T. Chick. It includes a free full color Crusader comic, a free issue of Battle Cry, and several Chick tracts at no additonal cost (by request only). The book itself has 224 pages with 580 pictures, most in color. If you would like this special offer, please order here. There's free postage, no sales tax (outside Florida) and proceeds help pay for this website. Our site provided the foundation of the book, but most of it is all new material, including reviews of every tract, the history of various conspiracies and major Chick authors, and a complete tract price guide. (Signed copies are available at no extra charge.) You can read feedback of it here.

New Black Tracts

Chick has recently adapted several tracts with an all black cast. "Help" (the black cast verison of "Soul Survivor"). Check out the new Negro version of Sunday Special? (negro version of Happy Hour). Also Wassup?(negro Hi There), Your Big Date (negro woman's version of This Was Your Life). Also, It's A Deal (losely based on The Contract). Also, Somebody Goofed, renamed Oops! Also, see the more recent Set Free! tract, renamed Free At Last! Also the Negro version of The Star, renamed Fame. Also, the black version of A Love Story, called, Who Loves You? Also, Best Friends is redrawn with a Negro cast as Soul Sisters. Also the black version of This Was Your Life and the Somebody Loves Me (renamed, Hard Times.) Plus, there's a new negro version of Allah Had No Son, called Who Is Allah?, as well as a new version of "The Choice" called Now or Never.


New Reviews

For pseudo-serious (but mostly humorous) blow by blow tract "dissections", check out the latest reviews of Is Allah Like You? Other titles include Kitty In The Window, Satan Comes To Salem, Mama's Girls, Camel In The Tent, the Fatal Decision, Global Warming, Here Comes The Judge, The Awful Truth, There Go The Dinosaurs, Who Is He?, Love That Money, Things To Come, Going Down, Crazy Wolf, all black cast tracts, Some Like It Hot, The Bully, Evil Eyes, It's All About You!, Papa?, Home Alone, Somebody Angry?, First Bite , Moving On Up, Unforgiven.


Chick Retrospective at Philly Art Gallery!

You may have missed the retrospective of Chick's work in Philadelphia on December 2nd, 2017. (Yours truly gave an overview.) Here's the official announcement from the art gallery:

"PhilaMOCA rings in the holidays with a special night devoted to the most published and most controversial cartoonist in history, Jack Chick! Joining us for this Chick-mas affair will be Jack Chick aficionado Kurt Kuersteiner who will present a multimedia talk on Chick's life and work. The walls will be covered in Jack Chick-related ephemera, hundreds of tracts will be available for purchase, and Kurt will have official Chick Tract Club Kits available for new members.

"Cartoonist Jack Chick's instantly recognizable "Chick Tracts" have been spreading the author's gospel through fire and brimstone-filled sequential art for over 50 years now. Embraced by churches and kitsch collectors alike, Chick's outlandish cartoons are unrivaled in their ability to "scare the hell" out of the unsuspecting and unholy. A DIY-encouraged distribution method has gained Chick worldwide recognition, his tracts are available in over 100 languages and with a total print run of well over 800 million.

"Jack Chick (1924-2016) was an Independent Baptist who believed in the King James Only movement in addition to a multitude of conspiracy theories that drew the ire of the Roman Catholic Church, the Freemasons, and several other fraternal organizations. To the savvy non-secular, Chick's work is a treasure trove of passionate paranoia, interesting inappropriateness, and mind-manipulating madness.

"Kurt Kuersteiner has been researching and collecting Chick tracts and related collectibles for many years. He is the founder of the Chick Tract Club, director of the documentary GOD'S CARTOONIST: THE COMIC CRUSADE OF JACK CHICK, and author of THE UNOFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE ART OF JACK T. CHICK. He has a website related to all things Chick and acts as neutral liaison between the publisher and the collectors."

It was a blast, and I enjoyed meeting everyone who was able to attend. The Philly MOCA hosts some really interesting events, and the audience is often as entertaining as well! You can read an interview from before the event in the Philadelphia Magazine. (The Facebook event page was at:

You can SEE this event via the magic miricle of DVD...


Rev. 9.11.24


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