A LIVE presentation by Kurt Kuersteiner filmed at the Philadelphia Mausoleum of Contemporary Fine Art
$12 (plus $4 post)
Running time 60 minutes.
This DVD recording is the public presentation about Jack T. Chick's roller-coaster comic tract career, as delivered by Kurt Kuersteiner (author of The Art of Jack T. Chick, and director of God’s Cartoonist, The Comic Crusade of Jack Chick). Chick became the most published author alive by writing and self-publishing his own gospel cartoon tracts… nearly 1 billion of which have been printed by Chick Publications. Although Chick died in October 2016 at age 96, his company continues to print new tracts by David Daniels and Fred Carter. This retrospective was given before a live audience at the Philadelphia Mausoleum of Contemporary Art on Dec. 2nd, 2017, and includes a multi-media presentation, personal stories, humorous observations, and a virtual tour of some of Chick's rare (and recently rediscovered) promo tracts. It is a great primer to learn about Chick’s unique place in American’s pop cultural history
EXTRA BONUS! DVD comes with our very own Chick tract parody, "The Collector"
(Art by Hal Robins, story by Kurt Kuersteiner)
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The ultimate Chick flick!
God's Cartoonist: The Comic Crusade of Jack Chick
The only documentary on the world's most published cartoonist! This film includes interviews with all the major players in Chick's comic book empire (except Chick himself, who won't appear on camera out of fear for his safety). Included in the film are Fred Carter (Chick's only co-artist), Rebecca Brown (Chick's spiritual warfare guru), Alberto's widow (Nury Rivera), Kent Hovind (before he went to jail), Cowboy Chaplain Dann (the "human tract dispenser"), Chick assistant David Daniels, Artist Hal Robins, conspiracy expert Ivan Stang, and authors of separate books about Chick (Bob Fowler of The World of Jack Chick and Dan Raeburn The Imp #2). The film was directed by Kurt Kuersteiner, the author of the most recent book on Chick (The Art of Jack T. Chick). It also includes archival recordings and videos of Alberto Rivera and John Todd, two of Chick's most inspirational and controversial Illuminati / Vatican conspiracy sources.
It's informative, thought provoking, and fun to watch. Love him or hate him, you can't resist reading Chick tracts, or ignore this ultimate "Chick flick"!
Total running time is 77 minutes, plus an extra 20 minutes of deleted scenes and other DVD extras.
COST: Just $14.95 plus $4 postage in the USA.
EXTRA BONUS! You'll also get an exclusive reprint from the only known copy of What's Your Score, a rare and long lost promo tract from the 1970s! It was recenty produced by the Chick Tract Club (and printed by Chick Publications) in celebration of Chick's 200th tract story!
Order now: Boxed DVDs are in stock and ship weekly.
Just $14.95 (and postage)
Be aware that foreign DVD orders are sent in a cardboard CD sleeve (w/out the box pictured) to keep the postage reasonable. If you want it sent in the box, please Paypal an additional $10 postage.
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If you have difficulty using the above buttons, you can paypal monsterwax@aol.com the amount directly. Or if you don't have paypal, you can SNAIL MAIL a CHECK or MONEY ORDER to:
Monsterwax, 3202 Enterprise Drive, Tallahassee FL 32312 USA (Please add $2 or US postage, $3 for Canadian, or $5 for Overseas.)