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| Book Feedback
I finished the Jack Chick book, great stuff, lots of very funny comments and reviews, both you and all the reviewers, especially Rev Jim Lee did a great job with the reviews and info about the tracts and the comics. - Dan C. Indianapolis IN Sorry, I don't mean to swamp you but I have to tell you that I am more amazed by your book every time I open it. It's a treasure chest and I am so glad to own it! -Jeff C. Muskegon, MI Thanks Jeff. It's never a bother to get feedback. I'm delighted you enjoy it! I was able to locate (your Chick parody) tract within your book and enjoyed it. It's so clever, and the artwork is out of this world. I've only made it through roughly half of the book because it's so rich with information. Again, I really really love this book and the work you've been doing. Regardless of his views, Jack Chick is an incredibly interesting, talented, and culturally significant folk artist. I'm certain your work of documentation will prove to be immensely important for art historians, scholars of contemporary religion, and many others. -Christopher B. (Monroe, MI) It's a fun read as well as great reference book for collectors, or the just plain interested. -D. Dark (Google Newsgroup) Although I never met Kurt Kuersteiner to this date, he is one of the people who I interviewed at a long distance in my book. In the process of interviewing him I bought his wonderful book. I enjoyed every moment reading it. It is extremely well done! - "Razorback" from Squidoo. Kurt Kuersteiner did an excellent job of putting this book together and he does a great job of analyzing Jack Chick, even though he doesn't go into depth about whether or not Jack Chick is right or wrong in his theological wars, (as I have done in my own work of Chick). Kuersteiner aimed to look specifically at the artwork and the story telling that have come out of Chick's publications in order to discuss Jack Chick more as a cultural phenomenon, which Kuersteiner did with great success. Kurt also adds his own humor and sarcasm throughout the work which in most cases I found to be spot on. A quick aesthetic note: The artwork in Kuersteiner's book is also quite professional. Kurt was able to reproduce Chick Publications and keep their original feeling, while at the same time meld it together with his own written text. I thought the layout was quite good as well. It was a top notch job. I originally bought this book and interviewed Kurt when I was writing my own book refuting some of Jack Chick's wilder claims and slanders which he produced based on the false testimony the the religious fraudster Alberto Rivera. (My book is called Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness: The Truth about the Vatican and the Birth of Islam). Kurt Kuersteiner is one hell of a knowledgeable source of information about Jack Chick and his book is definitely the ultimate in depth resource spanning the entire career of Jack Chick and his Chick Publications. Keep it up Kurt! Haw! Haw! Haw! -Gary Dale Cearly, Author Hey Kurt. I was just catching up with a friend who I had lent your excellent book, and he had a very astute comment on about the book. He said "the tone was just right." I agree. I was especially impressed at how you maneuvered through the Conspiracies chapter. It was very readable and easy to follow, despite the wildness of the charges and counter-charges involved, and that ever allusive quality known as "truth" that may or may not have any bearing on this topic. I had always avoided the Crusader Comics because of this confusion, now I'm devouring them. Anyway, I really have enjoyed your book. Best, Tim June Review (excerpt) from Editor's Notebook by Lee Ingalls: "Kuersteiner's book is admirable for its dispassionate, at times ironic, but never dismissive treatment of the pointedly divisive work of a very un-P.C. artist. We get a brief biography of Jack T. Chick, who turns out to be not surprisingly a bit of a recluse and mediaphobe. There's a section on Chick imitators and parodies, another section with feedback from fans and critics and even a guide to creating your own tracts. The bulk of the book is taken up with illustrated reviews of tracts and comics (by Kuersteiner and other contributors) along with their estimated values. The book closes with "A Visit to Chick Publications," an account of the author's trip to meet Jack T. Chick himself. Not surprisingly, the highlight for collector Kuersteiner turns out to be the warehouse. ('It was the Fort Knox of Chick tracks!') ...Bless my soul." i loved it very entertaining. i learned more about chick tracts than ever and chick himself. didn't realize you were the author till i got my copy great job. very very well put together and very informative. -KDannel From The Comic's Journal #268: "The author tries to promote Chick the artist but he can't keep a straight face. (He subverts Chick's art with a parody page by the truly skilled Brand Robins, whose control of line lets him nail Chick's style while staying within his own, like Crumb spoofing Disney.)... While Keursteiner and other contributors to The Art of Jack T. Chick mock Chick's old fashioned Protestantism, they disturbingly give his witch and priest hunting the benefit of a doubt...The price guides are made redundant by Fowler's earlier World of Chick price guide. - John Carnahan, English teacher, Ca. That's right John, when it comes to spiritual beliefs and matters of faith that cannot be proved or disproved, I always give the benefit of the doubt. (Maybe they train teachers differently in California about such matters, but I was taught not to condemn or preach religious views when trying to be objective.) For the same reason, I take exception to your description that we mock Chick's views. I state clearly throughout the book that comics are meant to be funny, and although we want to be serious about appreciating Chick's cartoons, we also want to enjoy the humor and add to it whenever possible. That means making fun of all sides, pro and con, and not keeping a straight face (hopefully). And while I don't wish to "pile on" with disagreements, I need to point out that Hal Robins was our cartoonist (not Brand Robins, whoever that is), and that the price guide is not made redundant by Fowler's earlier book, because his book contains no price guide whatsoever. (Nor does any other book.) Your book is awesome. very well written and organized. I read chick tracts when I was a kid but didn't hang on to them (shucks!). Recently I ordered some to begin distributing. I am especially interested in sharing the gospel with the Hispanics in my community. Anyway, upon ordering I got the sample pack and Later got your book. Reading all the reviews bought back memories of all the ones I read when I was younger. Now I'm wanting to start a collection. -Jimmy J. Just wanted to let you know I received my copy of "The Art Of Jack Chick" and I absolutely love it. I'm already up to the section on Alberto, I can't wait to get to my favorite Chick character, Rebecca Brown. Very interesting stuff on Todd, I need to research him more. -Adam My copy came in the mail this weekend (along with a nice selection of tracts--thanks!) I just want to thank you for writing such a swell book. The pictures are to drool over, the overviews of JTC's various conspiracy chums are fascinating, and the reviews--oh, man, the reviews! Its especially interesting to see the perspective of the christian reviewers, and what a treat to see good old Emby Quinn reviewing! (I used to be a big old KiSS doll collector, and Ms. Quinn is one of the greats in that area). Needless to say, you've talked me into restarting my Chick collection--I had gotten out of it, but now my passion has been re-ignited. Too bad I'm in Tucson, AZ now--back in Chicago, I could always go to Quimby's (a great alternative bookstore, if you are not familiar), and just load up on the suckers. But the hunt is half the fun, right? Thanks again! Richard R. (AZ) Your book is amazing, I can tell that it is a real labor of love. And thanks for including the picture I sent you of the cracked window at "ground zero". -Paul Hernandez Great job on the Unofficial Guide to the Art to Jack Chick! Someone sent me the Reuters article and I immediately ordered one. I would have bought it directly from you if I had discovered you were offering it in time. I received my copy on Friday and I've been greatly enjoying it since. I'm impressed with the quality of the writing as well as the vast amount of content. It's definitely the best Schiffer book I've come across. - Kirk D. I wanted to thank you for your book... I had no idea it would be of this magnitude. I was quite surprised (and delighted), and spent most of one evening last week reading it (much to my wife's annoyance). Clearly you put a great deal of effort into it. Richard Lee introduced me to Chick Tracts more than 20 years ago, and I have always enjoyed them. Your book brought back a lot of memories. I will be sharing with friends and relatives soon who, I'm sure, will be purchasing their own copies. - Robert Thank you so much for the copies of your Unofficial Guide to the Art of Jack T. Chick. They arrived in good condition yesterday. I spent the wee hours of last night browsing each page-I couldn't sleep. It is written and researched very well so I commend you highly for it-I loved every chapter of it! It was also fantastic to have my letter published in it (I actually had forgotten what I had written)! There was much I didn't know about what goes on behind the scenes, as the controversy over Todd and Brown; and the identification of the third artist (whose excellent drawings you reproduced on pages 142143; the unpublished tract That Cursed Thing sounds so tantalizing it's a pity Chick never published it). I also found excellent the chapter on making your own tracts (if only our photocopier machines were made to photocopy on Letter size paper). Some of the parodies like Robin's tract is a gem. Thanks again, John (from Australia) Thanks John. I also appreciate your Chick tract memory included in the book! GREAT BOOK! I mean that. I'm usually a bit critical about informational literature... If it's not an eye catcher (like Chick tracts) I usually just use them for reference. I buy other books only for that reason... But your book I can't seem to get away from it.. Lots of intresting stuff... I really am enjoying your take on tracts and the price guide... I know it was tough to put numbers on these... Some I think you did not give enough credit to but I can only go by how tough they were for me to come by. I'm going on a missions trip to Guatemala tomorrow and am bringing a load of Spanish ONE WAY and your book for the plane ride! Thanks. -Mark Hey Mark, I'm glad you like the book, especially since you are so knowledgeable about them to begin with. [Mark has bought and sold hundereds of rare tracts.] Many of those prices are averages from your giant auction last summer and the auctions before it. I've seen several go cheaper since then, but that's why I averaged it. You sold THE THING for $100, but I averaged it down with the price before that, and weighted your price 2/3rds because it was the most recent. The only price I had to predict was THE POOR REVOLUTIONIST, because at that time, I had never seen one auction, but I had received many standing offers to buy it at the average price I listed in the book ($150). Since Chick has since reissued that title, however, the vintage copies have dropped in value to nearly half that price ($50 to $75). I just got your book in the mail a few hours ago --man is it tasty. Absolutely stunning design work; big, fat and dense --everything I love in a book. And funny as hell too... I was reading Andie Kittabb's review of "Payback" and the line, "Not surprising, really, since one would expect Baal worshippers to cause gas in canines." made me laugh out loud --WHAT A HOOT!!!! I was also totally impressed with the sheer amount of information packed herein. I know you mentioned that you had to cut, what?? 80 pages out? What would have been those chapters. Overall, you did an absolute great job --well worth $30. Thanks so much, Paul Shiple Hey Paul, I'm glad it arrived safely and you like it. I certainly appreciate your "Chick memory" which was partially included, but alas, it was part of the 80 pages I had to reduce! (They insisted on only 220 pages.) My only major regret was they couldn't make it cheaper (but with the color, that's understandable). |
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