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Promo tracts are the tracts given away free by Chick Publications. They are often tossed in to orders w/o any warning. Sometimes they are also sold and listed in catalogs, often they are not. (Most of them have a color (other than red) added to titles when they are given away at bookstores, while the ones sent out by Chick Publications have white or red titles.) Many promos push buying Chick tracts, while others are anti-Vatican. Recently, This Was Your Life has been spotted with a "Free! Take One!" ban across the corner, making it available as a promo too. Most promos have 900 series catalog numbers, but not all.


Are Catholics Christians? (Anti-Vatican tract. Available as regular tract w/ white title, or free promo w/ green title.)

This Book Has Been Banned (Completely different cover and title than WHO ME, but otherwise, mostly the same. Back cover has pre-paid postage for easy mailing.)

Breakthrough!- (A tract urging the use of Wordless Gospels in Africa and New Guinea.) Black title. No copyright date, but probably early 1970s. Return address is a Chino P.O. box, but called the International Gospel Literature Foundation.

Congratulations! (Another "Good work using Chick tracts!" tract.) © 2006.

Don't Read That Book (How the devil distracts folks from reading the Bible. One of two "Christian Growth Series")

He Never Told Us (A tract pushing tracts promo. "Free Take One!" in corner.)

Kiss India Goodbye- (A tract urging the use of Gospel tracts in India.) ©1970. No graphic, title in gray. Return address is a Chino P.O. box, but called the International Gospel Literature Foundation.

Kiss the Protestants Goodbye (Anti-Vatican tract. Available as regular tract w/ white title, or free promo w/ orange title.)

The Last Missionary (A promo tract pushing tracts, with red, blue and green titles.)

Losing the old Zippp? (A promo tract pushing tracts. Black title against white background. Back cover has pre-paid postage for easy mailing.)

My Name In The Vatican? (Anti-Vatican tract. Available as regular tract w/ white title, or free promo w/ yellow title.)

No Liars in Heaven (Promo tract for David Daniels book, "Look What's Missing")

Operation "Somebody Cares"- (A tract urging get the Gospel out in America (via tracts) before the commies cause riots.) Cartoon cover, black title. ©1970.

The Poor Pope (Anti-Vatican tract. Available as regular tract w/ white title, or free promo w/ orange title.)

Pssssssst! Isn't It About Time? (A tract pushing tracts. White title.)

This Book Has Been Banned (Promotes Chick tracts, later recycled into Who Me?)

The Secret Weapon (A promo tract w/ white title showing a conversation between a missionary and communist officer. Reprinted by Bible Missionary Foundation as "Missionaries are Fools!")

Secret of Prayer (How to use the Bible best, one of the two "Christian Growth Series")

This Was Your Life (A standard tract also spotted with "Free Take One!" in the top right corner.)

Who Are They Gonna Remember? (A Tract pushing tracts promo, featuring green or red or blue title.)

Who Me? (A tract pushing tracts promo. "Free Take One!" in the top right corner)

Who's the Real Hater? (A tract confronting the "logic" of those who claim witnessing is hate.)

Why No Revival? (Offered as regular and promo, "for Christians Only")

You Are About To See (a special promo tract promoting The Light Of The World movie)

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