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Closet Witches Cont.

Tape 1 side B

Then Elaine drops the biggest bombshell of the interview: "That was against you and your family, Jack, that we were sent against (to kill), because of what you were publishing here at your Publishing company. Because you were getting through to a lot in Satanism, because you were talking out against so many things that the Satanists backed. Because of that, you were to be put out of the way. But because of your love of Jesus Christ and his love for you, you have protection that I've never seen before. That was the first time I had ever come against anything that was stronger than the power I had had."

Chick responds, "Praise God." Then he asks Elaine about her birth and how she got involved in The Craft. Elaine says she was born a hair lip with a cleft pallet (no nose, no upper lip, and roof on her mouth). He family was poor and couldn't afford expensive reconstructive surgery. A nurse from the hospital approached her mom and told her of an organization that would pay for it all in exchange for a thimble of blood (which they would use to conduct experiments). Her mother agreed, not knowing the blood was really going to be drunk by a high priest in order to sell Elaine to Satan.

The plastic surgery treatments went on and off for 16 1/2 years. It was painful and burned. As she grew older, she began to feel strange powers within her, but didn't know what they were. She thought everyone had them. Rebecca chimes in that in her medical practice, she had encountered others who had been sold into Satanism this way. Remarkably, Chick doesn't ask for details and Elaine continues with her story. She was eventually invited to a church camp. Unfortunately, the camp was really for mediums, witches and warlocks. They introduced the powers to the kids as games. They would ask the kids, "Wouldn't it be fun to have your palm read? Or cards read? Or coffee grounds or tea leaves and Ouija boards?" After two weeks, she was invited to join to organization. She was tempted because she hated people since they always teased her (because of her deformities). They appealed to her thirst for power. She asked what was required and they said she needed to sign her name in blood. She refused and they locked her in a closet with loud speakers that repeated over and over, (in Elaine's words) "Satan was King. Jesus was Dead. Jesus was a deceiver. Jesus was a liar. Only Satan loved me. Only he could tell the truth. He was the one within the power within me and only he could tell me how to use it." After 48 hours, Elaine was ready to sign anything and gave herself to Satan.

Then she was trained in The Craft. The was told words to memorize, what type and color of candles to burn. What ingredients to use, like animal hair, bugs, potions and powders, etc. She was taught how to levitate and meditate and astral project.

Elaine used her powers to punish people who hurt her. Once, after gym class, a big lesbian grabbed her in a Full Nelson grip and tried to "do her thing" to Elaine. With her new powers, Elaine picked the large lady up and stuck her head in the toilet and would have drowned her, except some teachers walked in.

95 pound Elaine also punished a 265 pound football player for calling her a harelip. She attacked him and knocked him down, pounding his face to such a pulp that it required repair work. She broke his jaw and nose and knocked out teeth. It took eight teachers to pull her off. (She would have otherwise killed him.)

Eventually, Elaine was groomed to become the High Priestess by the High Priest himself. (They normally have to kill the High Priest to replace them, but Elaine was the exception.) She was given a special demon to be her "demon guide" and his name was Man-Chan. She struggled for years to control this demon placed inside her, but says she never was able to accomplish that control until she was saved.

Her rise to power accelerated once she became a High Priestess. She was promoted to sit on the National Council of Witches. Then she was made a Regional Bride of Satan. Then she was promoted (after many competitions) to the International Council of Witches. There's only five to ten Regional Brides of Satan in this country at one time. There are many Brides of Satan within the local areas, but Regional Brides are not common. (So eat your heart out Rosemary!) Elaine's main hometown assignment was to infiltrate and destroy local Christian Bible believing churches. (Chick doesn't think to ask if they ever teamed up with the Jesuits.)

The church Elaine chose turned out to be so powerful, she couldn't even get out of the car to go inside. After three attempts, she managed to go inside to the back row. But Elaine was double-crossed. She later discover the congregation KNEW she was a witch and prayed for her, helping her become saved. Elaine started to hear the Demons scream for her to get out. They were afraid. She became saved and went home. Satan manifest himself and threatened her, but he stayed a healthy distance from her. All the demons were behind him and they looked shocked. He ordered the demons attack her, but they didn't, they were too scared. He reminded her that she made a contract with him in blood and couldn't break it.Elaine said to Satan, "You're a liar. I read the tract that Jack Chick put out, The Contract, and that contract I wrote with you is no good because the blood of Jesus is sufficient for all things... It's broken by the blood of Jesus."

Satan's next threat was that he would allow the Christians he had planted in the Churches to destroy her (attacking her reputation and all). She knew this might work because she had done it to other traitors when she was a plant. Satan also made her sick, and she wound up in the Emergency room at the hospital. In walks a blond doctor with a "Jesus is Life" pen in her pocket. It was Rebecca Brown. Elaine tells here she's born again and only two weeks old. The Lord instructed Rebecca to give her a Bible. The Demons in Elaine still controlled her enough to speak through her. Rebecca thought Elaine was the most obnoxious person on Earth. She was still using her witchcraft for protection (even though saved) and it was creating a terrible demonic presence around her. Rebecca was at her wits end. She spent 48 hours praying and fasting for the keys to Elaine's treatment. The Lord told her it was her previous cult involvement. Rebecca confronted Elaine about her past and Elaine was stunned. She had told no one about her past, so now she suspected Rebecca might be in The Craft because how else would she know? She resisted Rebecca's help. Rebecca gave up but prayed to God to help Elaine directly. He did. With constant prayer, Elaine grew spiritually and her condition improved. She was soon well enough to be discharged.

A month later, both women received a letter from the cult itemizing their day to day activities, right on down to what they bought at the store. It said if either one contacted the other, they would be sacrificed during Easter Black Mass. Rebecca prayed. She explains, "Father was quick to answer me. He said I must move Elaine into my home because she would commit suicide rather than return to the cult." Elaine's husband had left her and still remained in the cult and Elaine's daughter was still staying with a step sister. Rebecca's roommate was so frightened by all the danger, she moved out for a month.

Rebecca was scared too. She knew the mayor and chief of police, as well as many policemen, were Satanists. She worried about being tortured like the young pastor who had wound up at the hospital. She called her pastor, but he didn't want to get involved. The cult terrorized the two women once they moved in together. They shot holes in the walls, made phone threats at late night hours, rattled the doors and harassed them constantly. The cult promised to come for them by midnight of a certain day. That very day, a random Christian dropped a note in Rebecca's lap. It was a scripture where God says to stand firm and he'll do the fighting. Rebecca and Elaine spent the night listening to "beautiful Christian music" and waiting to see what happened at midnight. When the clock struck twelve, the music sang, "It is finished." They were unharmed and went to bed relieved, sleeping like babies.

END of Side B

Go here to find out what happens in Tape 2

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