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Closet Witches Tape 2 side A

More Rebecca Brown

Chick starts tape two with another prayer. He prays, "We block all the forces of darkness that would hinder this tape, Lord, and the message involved... Bless this tape. Anoint it. Anoint the listener." Once everyone one and everything is anointed, Rebecca explains that God told her she would have to eventually give up her medical career and would be persecuted in order to minister to those trapped in the occult. God told her that she would eventually lose her family (which she says has since happened), and lose everything else, but most importantly, that she would walk with God. She wrote a letter resigning from her prestigious medical program. Within one week, she had lost all her friends. They couldn't believe she had resigned, and when her superiors asked her why she did it, she admitted that God had told her to. When they heard that, they tried to get her committed to a mental institution (but failed).

The pastor at her local church told her not to come to church unless Elaine moved out. Rebecca's parents also wanted Elaine to move out. Elaine's 12 year old daughter came to live with them, so Rebecca's roommate wanted Elaine out as well. But Rebecca kept her. The demon Man-Chan continued to live within Elaine because she hadn't completely renounced witchcraft. (She still used her powers occasionally to defend herself.) Rebecca figured Man-Chan was still in there after a little incident which would evict most tenants. "I discovered that the demons were in there one day when suddenly Man-chan surfaced and he managed to gain control of Elaine's body and attacked me and tried to kill me with a butcher knife. And the Lord just gave me instant knowledge that this was a demon." She stood firm in the name of Jesus and gained triumph over the demon and he had to back down.

Unfazed by the murder attempt by her new roomy, Rebecca continued her new relationship with Elaine. They had an 8 week battle with the demons. Rebecca took Elaine back to pastor Pat (the deliverance minister from her home town). "We had an eight hour deliverance session and we kicked out several hundred demons. But the thing of it is, at that time we were not knowledgeable enough with someone that deeply involved (with the occult) to know all the doorways to close. ...And if you leave one demon in, he'll hold the doorway open and all the others will come back in. And that's exactly what happened, all the demons were back within a week. ...The key is cleaning the person out totally and completely. And then the house is swept clean."

Once the demons had returned, Rebecca's home became a nightmare situation. "We were literally in an Amnityville situation. Not only were the demons resurfacing through Elaine... But also the occult was attacking us with everything they had. They were sending demons into my home, they were astral projecting in..." Chick asks if they had furniture flying around. "Yes, and it was nothing for me to be grabbed at night if I went to bed, and be pulled out of bed and thrown across the room against the wall. We were bruised from head to toe... It was nothing to have a chair come flying across the room... At first I was sitting there saying, 'I'm surely having an hallucination.' But as soon as I began to realize, 'No, this is for real.' Then as I began to say, 'Stop in the name of Jesus.' And use the power and authority available to me in the name of Jesus, I could halt these things."

Only after Elaine gave up her powers could Rebecca close all the demon doorways. "We had to come to the point of Elaine getting down on her knees and praying out loud with me, asking the Lord to take away all of her abilities of witchcraft. Take them away so completely that if ever she were to rebel and try to regain them, that she couldn't... And every witch that comes out of witchcraft has to take that step."

Elaine agrees with Rebecca. She states that the demons were afraid of Jesus, but would make their presence known to distract her from reading the Bible. They would hurl thing through the air or appear to frighten her. Rebecca interrupts, "This brings up an important point that I have come across so many times in our ministry since. Witches do not realize that they need to ask The Father to take away their ability to see the spirit world. People involved in the occult develop the ability to see the spirit world continually." Chick asks if that's like seeing 'Auras'. Rebecca answers, "Yes, that is correct. But once the Lord takes that all away, then they cannot be badgered and tormented so from the spirit world because they can't see it anymore. And it provides them with a great deal of peace. However in Elaine's case, because we were involved in such a battle, it was a big thing for her because she could no longer know when someone was coming. See, she had to depend upon the Lord to tell her."

Rebecca and Elaine continued this battle for eight weeks without any sleep. Rebecca was still working at the hospital at that time. "Fortunately, it was a provision of the Lord (that) I was on a rotation that was essentially research." (Don't expect the quality of reseach from those 8 weeks to be very high.)

Chick asks if Satan tried to kill Elaine with illness. "Yes, but it was not so much illness this time. He was trying to kill her by the demons within her. They would take a belt and put it around her neck and try to strangle her." Chick blurts out that would be suicide. Rebecca responds, "I'm convinced that most suicides are actually not done by the person themselves, but by a demon within them controlling their body." Chick asks if the demon might also be attacking from the outside (which is obviously easier for him to draw). Rebecca pauses to consider. "Yes, but more frequently from the inside."

Finally, the Lord revealed to Rebecca that it was time for the final deliverance session with pastor Pat. They met for ten hours and cast all the demons out and "Elaine was completely sealed". Chick asks if Man-chan was also cast out. "Yes, of course, he was the biggest fighter. He was the first one we went for."

Elaine mentions that she felt a ripping (sensation) inside of her as the demons took off, and that it hurt. Chick asks if the key to the whole affair was that they closed up all the doorways. Rebecca replies in her Doctor's tone of voice, "That is correct. And Elaine has been sealed and she has never had any demons in her since."

Chick responds with great relief in his voice, "Praise God!"

Rebecca waxes eloquent about difficulties ex-witches have. "Most people don't understand the tremendous problems that anyone faces that comes out of Satanism. Because you see, Satan has so many servants within the Christian Churches, that they are attacked both from outside the Christian Churches and from within." (This claim is eventually included in the Why No Revival? tract (page 14), although it is later toned down from "every church has been successfully infiltrated with witches" to "most churches have...")

Rebecca continues listing all the different places filled with Satanists. "They're attacked at their work, because there's always someone at work who is also into Satanism and knows who they are, if they work in any sizable place." (Ed. note: Chick publications is not a sizable place.) "They attack through the schools. Satan has his servants throughout the schools... Not only though the children but through the teachers. Because the children of people who would come out of Satanism, the teachers begin to attack the children and flunk them and accuse them of all sorts of things."

Rebecca then points out that most Christians don't want to get involved with ex-witches because they have such a multitude of problems. They can't keep a job. They have financial difficulties because the fiances given to them by the cult dries up. They often become ill (thanks to spells). They have tremendous emotional difficulties. She chastises these selfish Christians for not opening up their own homes to ex-witches in need. She complains that they shouldn't consider their homes as their own private property.

Chick jumps in: "You know, I can speak from personal experience. When I hit this thing on Rome. This was about six years ago, seven years ago, I prayed and God told me to hit the Vatican. But the reaction I got from my pastor friends was, 'Gee, I wonder if Chick's gonna get iced! Is he gonna get knocked off or blown up?' A lot of Christians were watching to see so they all backed away from me and we caught hell at Chick Publications. We were knocked out of book stores, there was harassment, terror tactics, phone calls were used against these poor little mom and pop operations that had Christian bookstores. We lost 2,000 bookstores out of 3,000 from the onslaught. And the Christians backed away. See, they don't want to tackle anything controversial. Then, I know another case where a young girl who was a witch got married, went to another church, and someone who was married to a good mason up there in the Eastern Star I guess it was, she blew the whistle on the girl who came out of witchcraft. Told the pastor. He walked over to their home one night and says, 'Hey, don't ever come back into my church.' So I know the battle because I felt it in my own case standing, you know, trying to expose Catholicism and I can imagine what a witch has to go through because I had been well accepted."

Chick gets excited about another subject he's been fighting over the years. "Here's another point. You've got Bible believing churches across the country. People who mean business. We've got some real men of God out there, but we've got a lot of phoney baloneys. We've got a whole segment of churches out there, they don't even believe the Bible is the word of God. They don't believe the devil really exists, and some poor kid coming out of witchcraft walks up and sees one of those guys, they're gonna be nailed!"

The three start to discuss the tragedy of Christians who are intolerant of ex-witches. Chick relates a story where a fellow lead 120 or so witches to Christ. "He took them down to one of our big local churches down here (Melody Land. See Chick's open letter supporting John Todd.) that everyone loves and raves about and some idiot got in front of those kids and he said 'No witch can be saved.' Well, you can imagine the devastation that took place. Half of those kids O.D.ed on drugs. Most of them are dead now as a result because this was the only hope they had... So we have to develop a compassion for these kids coming out of witchcraft."

Rebecca agrees. "That is correct. Jesus says 'bless those who curse you.' You know, it's a very widespread teaching in our Nation today by a lot of deliverance ministers, that if anyone sends a curse toward you, to double it and send it back. But in Luke Chapter 8, verse 20, Jesus says absolutely clear, 'Bless those who curse you, pray for those who spitefully use you.' And how they can justify that teaching of that scripture verse, I don't know."

Chick makes a humble confession. "Well, I've been guilty of that. When I first started, I found out there was a witch not too far from me, she used to light candles every night at midnight, throw whammys at me, and I felt the sting and I felt the reaction and I used to say, 'Lord, send it back ten fold!' I realize I was wrong. Since talking to you ladies, you told me when I pray I should say, 'Lord, I loosen these demons that come against me, I loosen them of their assignments and cast them into the dry places', and get rid of them that way."

Chick warns Christians not to return curses like he did, because doing so can kill them. He reflects, "That's committing murder practically when we do that. (When Christians return curses to witches.)... We have to be very careful how we pray... We must have piety and love for these people because they are in terrible bondage. The kids don't realize once they get into the Coven, the mess they are in and how dangerous it is to get out."

Elaine tells a true story of exactly 100 people in a coven she knew of. The high priest received Christ and convinced 70 of the 100 to renounce Satan. Then he met an accident (murdered by the other Satanists). 45 returned to The Craft and 25 of those were killed as an example. The other 25 that didn't return, 5 committed suicide because the churches wouldn't accept them. Those who are not accepted by churches have little hope. They are called "wanderers" because their own Bible studies probably won't be strong enough to properly teach and save them.

(At this point in the tape, you can hear someone start to say something but the tape is rewound and they start again. It appears this entire tape is made "on the fly", with the three people just talking into their microphones with a tape machine recording it. No splicing, no fancy studio stuff. It's amazing they managed to time it out properly to fit it all on two tapes so snugly.)

Elaine then describes the witches standard 8 point plan for penetrating churches and destroying them from the inside out. First, they go forward with a public confession asking to receive Christ. They cry and act very humble. This makes the congregation feel sorry for them and respond by involving the spy in all the church activities.

Chick asks if Elaine could spot any Masons or former Catholic plants in these churches. She says yes, spotting Masons is easy because of their rings. Chick asks what if they don't wear rings. Elaine says it's still easy, because they are very flamboyant and arrogant about the way they feel and express their views. Having said nothing about Catholics, Chick summarizes her remarks thus: "So basically, we have a Trinity of Evil in the Christian church. Witches, Masons, and Roman Catholics. Incredible. All of them have made the penetration." Elaine agrees with him.

Another part of the penetration plan is to find out who the true born again believers are, and then knock out the prayer foundation of the church. Rebecca interrupts to describe how they broke up the powerful church that Elaine was delivered in. The church had between 200-300 members who would come pray as one unified body every Wednesday night, and the power was so great, "that literally the Holy Spirit would shake the rafters of that place." But then the High Priest of a Coven joined the church, gave big contributions, networked, and built up credibility by appealing to people's sense of patriotism. Rebecca explains, "He established a weekly prayer group at noon for all the men to come to in order to pray for America."

Chick says, "Clever." (The disgust in his voice is very apparent.)

Rebecca continues. "Very quickly after that, he became a Deacon. And then he started teaching a Sunday School... Then he became an Elder. Because of his wealth, shortly he was on the Board of the Church. He and his wife became involved in the choir."

Elaine and Rebecca knew during all this time that the man was a warlock, but were helpless to expose him because they had no proof. As he gained influence, he started directing the church to merge prayer groups with choir practice and teaching sessions, effectively reducing the actual prayer time until it was no longer significant. The power of the church evaporated.

End of side A, Tape 2

Go here for the final segment (tape 2, side B) of Closet Witches!

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