Our Cards

Dinosaur Galaxy
Don't Let It Happen Here
Horrible Ugly Monsters
Island of Dr. Moreau
Journey to Center of Earth
Lengendary Lovecraft
Lengendary Lovecraft 2
Lost In Space
Monsters From Hell
Monster Movie Classics 1
Monster Movie Classics 2
Monsters & Maniacs
Norm Saunders Cards Promo Cards
Shock Stories
60s Sci-fi & Terror TV
60s Sci-fi & Terror TV2
Spook Show
Spook Show 2
Time Machine
20,000 Leagues Under Sea
Tune In for Terror
Urban Legends
War of the Worlds

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BOOKS by Monsterwax

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If you like Monsterwax cards, you should also enjoy Monsterwax books! Check our unique titles.


Lost In Space-- The Initial Adventures


This series was produced on Kickstarter (and is currently being printed). It is the follow up series to the Lost In Space "Art of Ron Gross" series, Ron's deep dive into the original series including the aliens, monsters, and plot lines removed from the initial scripts and filming (due to limited time and budget of Irwin's TV production).

60th Anniversary Icon

This is an Ultra-limited edition item to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the series (1965-2025), and only 1,965 are being printed. That means all the cards in all theboxes, any sets, EVERYTHING comes from that super limited (and numbered) supply of 1,965 sets. There's 104 gorgeous cards in the baseset, 12 Monster Metal cards (see below samples), and four different Lost In (3-D) Space cards. This is one series you won't want to miss!

Monster Metal Cards

View cart or checkout

Each pack contains a stick of Cosmic Gum. (It's better than terrestrial gum, 'coz it's out of this world!)

Read Non-Sports Update (Nov. 2024) magazine's write up on this new series.

Hear Kurt discuss the new Lost In Space series 2 cards on The Pencilled In Podcast (Ep. 94)

Both series provide full color artwork celebrating the best of the first season (the most popular season of the series). You can enjoy the "preview reel" of Season 1 above!


Want more for free? Check out our podcast for entertaining reviews of each episode. (We posted our first review on Youtube so you can "see" what we're talking about.)


You can hear all our early reviews in original broadcast order at:

Lost In Space Podcast.com

Co-hosted by Kurt (of Monsterwax)







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