Our Cards

Dinosaur Galaxy
Don't Let It Happen Here
Horrible Ugly Monsters
Island of Dr. Moreau
Journey to Center of Earth
Lengendary Lovecraft
Lengendary Lovecraft 2
Lost In Space
Monsters From Hell
Monster Movie Classics 1
Monster Movie Classics 2
Monsters & Maniacs
Norm Saunders Cards Promo Cards
Shock Stories
60s Sci-fi & Terror TV
60s Sci-fi & Terror TV2
Spook Show
Spook Show 2
Time Machine
20,000 Leagues Under Sea
Tune In for Terror
Urban Legends
War of the Worlds

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Parody Ads!

(Above: Parody ad seen in issue #215 of The Wrapper magazine)

Don't you just HATE advertisements? Yeah, we do to. So we figure, if we have to use them, why not have fun with them?

Since 1999, Monsterwax has created numerous parody ads to reach our Wrapper magazine readers. Here's a bunch of our best ones for your amusement. Enjoy!

Note: Some of the ad images are enlarged (so you can read the text on the web).

- 1999 -

- 2000 -

- 2001 -

- 2002 -

- 2003 -

- 2004 - 2010 -

- 2012 & 2013 -

- 2014 & 2015 -

- 2016 -

- 2017 & 2018 -

- 2019 - 2021 -

- 2022 - 2023 -

- 2024 -

Read the story behind Monsterwax parody ads.


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