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Urban Legends/Shock Stories Feedback!

Shock Stories Trading Cards ©2020 Monsterwax.com

Hey Monsterwax,

I just recently discovered your products . I purchased a box of Urban Legends / Shock Stories and opened it today . I love your product . I was shocked to find a sketch card and a complete set of both Legends and Shock Stories. - Sam

Yes, we try to really stuff each box with everything, including a sketch cards, complete base sets, and even complete chase sets (as much as possible). Yours would have had a complete 3-D set in it as well-- except there was only one per pack and there were not enough packs in one box. However, if you order two boxes as the same time, the 2nd box picks up where the last one left off, and finishes your 51 card 3D set.

Hey Kurt, I bought a box of shock stories and urban legends a few weeks back , it was a low number box number 19 of 1000 marked on the back I wasn't going to open it but the more I looked at it the more I wanted to , well temptation got the better of me and they are awesome card sets , very nice art , I got the creepy clown sketch card by Terry and I was lucky enough to find a prize card to , a nice embossed card with a monster head wearing a wrestling mask with bat wings on each side of its head and I really like this card and on the back it has a check mark beside the prize a $25 dollar gift certificate towards using on your website . And if I have to send it in to claim it do I get it back because I want to keep the card because I have never won anything before .

Hey Mark,

Yes, I return them (voided) along with a gift certificate. There is always a slight risk using the mail to send them back and forth, but as far as I know, no one has ever lost one in the mail.

I love that series too-- we worked on it for over a decade. I'm glad you enjoyed it as well! - Kurt

Dear Monsterwax, Regarding the box of Shock Stories/ Urban Legends, it really was a fun box to open, and it took the kids and me most of the day to open. My 13 year old (who I thought would be more interested) was turned off by the graphic fronts, and that's a compliment. My 9 year old son, who doesn't show a great deal of attention to non-sports, studied the fronts, with commentary, then read the backs of every single card in both series. He's an avid reader. (And a new fan of Monsterwax.) The kids were very excited about the free prize insert card, and I am too. Very cool cards. -Greg

Well once again you've blown my mind! Thanks for:
Creeping me out
Grossing me out
Freaking me out
Making me queasy
Making me jumpy
Making me look under the bed and in the back seat!

Another set that proves Topps is NOT Tops in the Trading Card Industry (althought I do love me some GPK and Wacky Packages). Seriously, counting the 3-D cards, I got 30 Inserts!!!! 30!!!!!!

And the art! I love the art! I feel like I'm flipping through a pin-up gallery presented by the Crypt Keeper and the Old Witch! I'm batty for Beatty's artwork!!!!

And so, I begin to save up for my next box of amazing cards..... Thank you sir!
Pleasant nightmares - Jeff T. (Ypsilanti, MI)

Dear Kurt. Thanks for the cards they are great. i will be ordering monsterfaces as soon as i can afford to.
Mick.B :) (Australia)

(From his second box order:) I liked the Shock Stories/Urban Legends cards from the start, but the more I look at them, the more I like them. Great card sets. They, and Don't Let it Happen Here, are three of my all time favorite sets. And I really mean that. I look forward to what Monsterwax has in store for the future. -Greg M. (Rixeyvillle, VA)

Gotta tell ya; this set is pretty awesome! I don't recall the last time I got this much product chocked into one box. Very cool. I'll be purchasing more from you in the future. Continued success! - Alan B. (Quebec, Canada)

I love this card set! Thank you so much. Monsterwax rules! - Michael M. (Tracy, CA)

Great set of cards. Started reading the stories and it took me over two hours to open the whole box. Have to be one of the most fun sets I have collected in years, Thank you. - Shane F. (Queensland. Australia)

Just a quick note to tell you that you are a true MASTER of your art and profession. These sets are spectacular to say the least!! I spent hours and hours reading the stories on the backs of these sets - and I am still not done. A tremendous amount of entertainment value along with the beautiful artwork that goes along with each card.
Thanks, JOHN D. (Doylestown, PA)

"War of the Worlds, Shock Stories, Tune in for Terror, and Monsterfaces all demonstrate that Monsterwax is a company devoted to creating card sets that I could love." - Battlegrip.com review

These cards could get a little gruesome and I love it. Urban Legends always appeal to me and the cards, if I remembered right, are inspired by EC horror comics which I’m a big fan of. When I get some free time, I’ll read the stories on the back but right off the [sic] back I recognize some of the stories from the artwork. There is also a Shocking Stories set but I think I try to build the Urban Legends set first. Too bad they are not more readily available. It is a truly awesome product. -Shot Not Taken Blog.

I received the cards a few weeks ago and couldn't be more impressed their with quality! I enjoyed reading your story synopses, many reminding me of the old Alfred Hitchcock Presents TV series twist endings. Terry Beatty's clean and uncluttered art made for great 3-D cards. - M. Clark (San Francisco CA)

I want to buy 3 boxes of these to open 2 boxes to complete a master set and to keep 1 box sealed for my collection. How will i know what 2 boxes to open to complete the master set? Will you put a sticky note on the 2 boxes I would need to open to complete the master set? Were all 3 promos supposed to come with the NSU magazine? (I bought a copy and only got 1 of the 3 promos with it.) Thanks SP

Dear SP, It's pretty easy to tell which boxes to open. Each box is numbered on the bottom outside "150/1000" and so forth. You'll want to open an even and odd numbered box. For best correlation, open two boxes in chronological order (i.e., 150/1000 and 151/1000). That will yield the maximum sets. We send them out in chronological order, so if you order three boxes, you should get all three in order. Just be sure one of the two boxes you open is the middle numbered box, because you won't get a master set of all the 3-D cards unless you open both an even and odd numbered box.

Regarding the Urban Legends promos, only one of three different ones were included in each NonSport Update magazine. I'm afraid you'll have to trade for those or get them on eBay, as they are different from the other cards in the set. (I bet you can also trade for them on NSU's card forum, Card Talk.) The Shock Stories promos we sell for $3.95 for all four (postpaid), but unlike the Urban Legends promos (which are unique to the NSU promos), the regular promos repeat art and stories that are found in the regular set.

I am super happy with it. I pulled a metal printplate my first (pack), and I am still reading through all the cards. I want to buy another box when I get some more money hopeing to complete three sets so I can give one to each of my two brothers. -Nick H (Reading, PA)

The ad looks great !! Would I be able to put together a complete set of shock stories and urban legends from one box? -JOHN

(Response) YES, you WILL be able to finish BOTH sets with one box. (We have the best correlation in the business!) The main thing you can't finish with one box is the 3-D parallel set, because there are 51 of those cards (one in each pack) but only 36 packs per box. Each box also alternates between sketch cards from Urban Legends and Shock Stories, as well as either a prize card or a metal card (actual printing plate). So for those who want all the inserts, ordering two boxes is necessary. But one box has the lion's share of inserts in it and both base sets.

(Follow up question) Sounds great. Would it be possible at some point to purchase the sets and inserts directly without the fun of opening up the packs! -JOHN

(Response) We sometimes sell the base sets by themselves but not the inserts. There are so many of them, it is cheaper to get them in the box anyway. The base sets are always at least $15 each ($30 for two) so all the inserts and sketch cards and prize cards for another $35 is a really good deal, especially since the prize card commonly gives away a $25 gift certificate or a free uncut sheet ($50) or other unique prizes. And 50% of the boxes have those prize cards. Also remember, this is TWO different products in one box, so it's really half price to begin with. If ever there were a good deal on a box, this is it.


I've purchased some of your other sets, and they are always great cards. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to seeing Shock Stories and Urban Legends. Plus I like the fact that I only have to get two boxes to obtain the master set.

Regards, Jason

(Response) Thanks Jason,

Glad to know you liked our other cards and that we think alike about master sets! It just doesn't seem right that anyone should have to buy CASES of new stuff and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to finish a master set, especially since the chase cards are a manufactured scarcity unlike vintage cards which are truely scarce. I figure if someone is buying just one box of new cards (and especially two), then they are making a sizable investment in your product and at very least, deserve as master set of ALL the cards. Then again, some people think that unless you charge them a lot, it must not be worth a lot. Maybe as the bad economy grinds down more, they will realize that spending more doesn't mean you are getting more.

These sets look really great, and the mind boggles at how much work you put into them, especially Shock!

Good luck, Jeff

(Response) Thanks Jeff.

I don't mind telling you that we invested far more time, money, and effort on this series than any other we've made so far. Fortunately, it shows, so I expect it will go over well in spite of the tight economy.

I received the promo cards for Shock Stories and the 20,000 Leagues/Journey To The Center of the Earth cards and they look absolutely fantastic. Are the 3 promos to Urban Legends only available in NSU or can I purchase them directly from you? I'm a completeist and wouldn't want to miss them. Looking forward to when the cards arrive. Stay well. - Paul

(Response) I'm sorry Paul, but NSU took everything I had. ( I only kept my archive set.) Glad you enjoyed the promos. Just wait till you see the actual set!

"The promo card I got in the recent issue of NonSport Update had me hooked. Each card has a story on the back and they are all original artwork instead of stills from a tv show or film you have already seen… I wish we had more small scale guys like them in the market willing to keep cards interesting. If you can do it I would head over and buy a box or two of there Urban Legends / Shock Stories cards right away." - Jason's July 29th blog entry at http://cult-stuff.com/

It was my pleasure buying your cards from you, thanks again. I wish I could encourage other people this far away to buy them too. I got a really good box by the way (I pulled an Auto-Sketch & a prize card). I was wondering, do you think you could please put out some sort of checklist for the 51 different 3D cards you printed? Kindest regards, -Blake (Australia).

Hey Blake. The checklist for the 3D set is the same as the regular set. Every card in the regular Shock Stories base set has a corresponding 3D card, including the checklist. Therefore, even though there is no number on the 3D cards, collectors can still trade for them referring to the number provided on the regular checklist.

Just a note to let you know that I got my box of Shock Stories / Urban Legends in the mail early this week but have been too busy to thank you. I wanted to open the box and peak inside and open a few packs, but just as was the case with Monster Faces (I got box # 7), the box number was ultra low (3/1000), and I couldn't bring myself to distrupt it in it's unopened beauty. I will at some point down the road order a 2nd box. One box to hold and save, one box to rip thru and see whats inside. I really haven't seen much of the set(s) and their story backs, but judging by the promos, they are going to be awesome. I will probably get that box sooner rather than later, because I am anxious. Anyway thanks again, and I look forward to what's next at Monsterwax.

Greg M. (Rixeyville, Virginia)

Hey Greg,

Box number three-- wow, you must have really ordered early! (We tried to send them out in the order they were received.) If you liked the packaging, just wait till you see the contents! Thanks again for your kind words and support.

Two boxes arrived today, they are a fantastic set of cards. The 3D set really pop! You are to be congratulated on a great set of cards. It looks like a lot of work went in to getting them together. So, kudos to you.

Regards, David M. (Australia)

Here's some misc. reviews on found around the net.

Battle Grip review: http://www.battlegrip.com/?p=8659

Shot Not Taken review: http://shotnottaken.wordpress.com/2009/10/31/halloween-break-monsterwax-urban-legends/


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