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Don't Let It Happen Here!

The prototypes and promos

P1/ Promo 1 is a series overview. P3/ Promo 3 is about beheadings in Saudi Arabia and P2/ Promo 2 is about Sati (cremation of widows) in India.

The prototypes and promos are different from the regular series in several ways. Unlike the set, (which is printed on thick stock and in a vintage style) the prototypes and promos are printed on a thinner stock with a UV coating. The backs are more modern in appearance as well, with two eyes in the background looking out at the reader. The front images for both the prototypes and promos are the same, but the back designs are significantly different.

PROTOTYPES: Are numbered P1 to P3. The text is basic type and the back has a faint image of the eyes in the background. The cards are only available in the January Issue of Non-Sports Update magazine. They are provided free at no additional cost. However, there were only enough to provide one of the three in each magazine.

PROMOS: Are numbered Promo 1 to Promo 3. The text is white on a dramatically darker background of the horror-filled eyes. These cards are available for $2 each or the set of three for $3.95 (free postage in the USA).


Order Promo Set $3.95 Here


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