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The Hallucination Hangar

Expect your worst fears to be realized...

Q: What can I expect to see inside the Hallucination Hangar?

A: That is as varied as the minds of those who enter. Whatever they fear the most tends to appear at some time or another while inside. The portion of the brain stimulated is also responsible for the "fight or flight" reflex in most people, so it is only natural that frightening images be generated under such circumstances. However, there are several common themes that everyone seems to experience. (In fact, it was those recurring images that first alerted Dr. Greenblade that something unusual was happening in his patient's nightmares.) According to numerous interviews with those who recovered from the experience, many of them could not recall very much except being surrounded and "pulled away from the light" by what was often described as "shadow demons." Others ranted on about seeing some sort of half human/ half spider creature, "larger than a horse" crawling toward them. Many recall nothing at all, not even remembering earlier events that happened in the evening. This "lost time" reflex is often the brain's natural reaction to avoid reliving a particularly horrifying experience. It is believed they could recall details under hypnosis, but out of a preponderance of concern for our test subjects, we chose not to perform this technique.


The Thing on the Fourbleboard

Artist depiction of The Thing inside the Hangar.

You can hear an audio recreation of the creature in this old radio drama, but it is suggested you listen only with the lights out, doors locked, and phone turned off.



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