The 2014 electronic billboard featured art by Sean Conn.
The 22' x 10.5' billboards (2013) featured John Shaw as The Reeper.
Bus Signs
2018 bus signs featuring art of Ricardo Garijo, Jr., and various cast photos.
2016 bus signs featuring cast photos
The 2012 bus signs were designed by Daniel Hoge with artwork by Bill Chancellor.
Overhead 3-D sign
South bound overhead sign by Rob Pierce (2012)
(Click image to see the primative original sign.)
Reverse (North bound) sign by Kurt Kuersteiner
Our billboard (currently retired) was designed by Dan Hoge with help from his brother Adam and Phil Gleason (2009).
Black & White signs
The West bound patio sign was by Kurt Kuersteiner.
The West side sign (now demolished) was painted by Kurt Kuersteiner. Giant arm by Matt Cowdery.
Revamped rules sign by Emily Shaw (2015)
Murals (now demolished: but were facing the Football Stadium)
Lifesized mural for the Ghost Tours by Shawn Robertson (2013). Close up of some of the background details below.
Full Color signs
And our color signs were painted by artist Whitney Husz in 2008! (see Article)
And our 5 foot long color banners designed by Vann Ptacxil, 2013.
And our bumper sticker...
A hearty thanks to the above artists for their great work. It's just one of the creative details that makes us look forward each year for another fun & fear-filled fall.
You can also check out our Haunted House comic tract (by artist Emby Quinn). They were handed out as mini 5" x 7" comics in 2007. All the illusions pictured have actually been featured in the our haunt.
Or see the FSView newspaper coupon from 2008.
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