The comic book snake oil gimmick ad Memories
Here's some public memories/ feedback from my article on "Honor House" ads.
I remember back in 1967 when I was about 13 years old and living in an apartment in Queens, New York. My father was always at work at his office in Manhattan but my mother was a stay-at-home mom. One comic book ad that caught my imagination was a Talking Monster from Outer Space from a Regency Mail Order in Niagara Falls, New York. So I mailed them the $1.00 plus 25 cents shipping and about four weeks later the package arrived. I was disappointed to discover that the Monster was actually a balloon, and he did not even talk (there was a mouthpiece device that you were supposed to use to speak through). At least the television shows that year were exciting, but I would still like to meet a real Monster from Outer Space!
Mr. DanielGreat story! Thanks for sharing it!.
Back in December of 1974 I was 9 years old and I had just got a bunch of Marvel comic books for Christmas. One of them, a Luke Cage Power Man title had an ad in it for a 7 feet tallMonster Size Monster, "so lifelike you will probably find yourselft alking to him. Won't you be surprised if he answers?" I asked my mother for the $1.00 plus 35 cents shipping fee and sent thecheck to Honor House in Lynbrook, New York. I waited until about March of the next year when I finally received a package in the mail.It was a plastic poster about 7 feet long of a Frankenstein-type figureprinted on it! So much for the lifelike Monster I thought I was getting! Anyway, here's photo of me from that year. -Fazuli
Hey Fazuli.
Nice photo. You look pretty super, man. But who's the midget next to you? Mr. Mxyzptlk?(Just kidding.) Thanks for the fun story and great flashback. I would be surprised if my 7 foot monster poster talked back to me-- I'd also be quite insane.
- Kurt PS. Yeah, I know who Spiderman is, haw-haw!
You an email your memories/ feedback to us here for posting. (Subject heading: Monster Memories) Thanks!
BONUS: Read about the shady past of the "Honor House" owners in their published divorce papers! Honor House Prod. Corp. owner Edwin Wegman (1925-2002)
See the Honor House ad for a rocket ship built for two! Also, their ad for a magic kit, and Honor House monster size monsters!
View the most infamous Monsterwax parody ads.
Revised 1/1/13