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Jack T. Chick CHICKlist

A complete alphabetical listing of ALL of Jack's Tracts!

*= currently out- of- print.

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Accident, The -When a priceless carpet is permanently stained, its owner learns that only Jesus' blood can remove the stain of sin. ©1999

Allah Had No Son -The Allah of Islam is not the God of creation. ©1994

*Angels?- (A "Christian" rock band isn't going anywhere until a sinister agent, Lewis Siffer agrees to represent them. ©1986)

Are Roman Catholics Christians? -Religion can't save, Only Jesus can! ©1981/ ©1985

Assignment, The -Will Charles respond to the gospel in time? ©1972

*Attack, The -See the behind-the-scenes struggle to destroy the King James Bible, and how God preserved it. ©1985

*Baby Talk -A teenager learns abortion is murder and Jesus is the only solution. ©1995

Back From The Dead -They thought he was dead, but he woke up screaming, "I've got to get saved! I saw hell! I don't ever want to see it again!" ©1982

Bad Bob! -Bob was mean and didn't need God until he nearly died in jail. ©1983

Beast, The -This Bible prophecy tract hits hard. Accept Christ or face a time of trouble like the world has never seen. ©1988

Best Friend -Let me tell you about my very best friend! His name is Jesus. Written especially for children. ©1996

Bewitched?- Time was running out for Debbie. Drugs would soon kill her. But a praying grandmother made the difference. ©1972, ©2000

A Big Daddy? -A student proves evolution is full of holes. ©1992

*Big Spender, The - (A modern day "prodigal son" story. ©1982)

Boo! -This takeoff on horror films reveals the truth about Halloween. ©1991

*Brat, The - (The prodigal son old testament story. ©1992.)

*Burn Baby Burn- (story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abenego. ©1991.

Bull, The -When Bull found Jesus in his cell, the prison was sure to change. ©1988

Charlie's Ants -Charlie loves his ants! A strong salvation message written in an easy enough style. ©1997

Choice, The -All through life we make choices. But there is one choice that is more important than all the rest. ©1999

Cleo -When Cleo is rescued from the animal shelter, her owner learns how Jesus redeemed us. ©1995

Contract!, The -You do not need a contract with Satan to go to hell. ©1976

Creator or Liar? -The Bible in a nutshell. How the world began, how sin entered the world, and why we must trust Jesus. ©1976

Crisis, The- A Jehovah's Witness accepts Christ just in time to save his girl's life. ©1985

Curse of Baphomet, The -A Mason discovers the truth behind his lodge. ©1991

*Cats- Daniel was spared in the lion's den because he trusted in God. ©1990

*Dark Dungeons- (Debbie thought playing Dungeons and Dragons was fun...until it destroyed her friend. ©1984)

Death Cookie, The -Introduces Catholics to the real Bread of Life, Jesus Christ. ©1988

*Deceived, The- (Exposes Islam as a conspiracy of Catholic church, and of course, Satan.) ©1990

Demon's Nightmare, A -When a youth finds Christ, he becomes a nightmare for the demons trying to stop him. ©1972

**Don't Read That Book- (Satan doesn't want you reading 10 chapters a day of the Bible. ©1972. Later included in Chick's book "The Next Step". )

Doom Town -Story of Sodom. Delivers a compassionate plea to repent of homosexuality. ©1973

*The Dreamer- (The Biblical story of Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers. ©1991)

*Earthman- Through Adam and Eve, sin entered the world. ©1990.

Empty Tomb, The -The story of Christ's resurrection from the dead. Because of the empty tomb, Jesus is the only way to heaven. ©1990

Escape- (© 1972. Later reissued as "The Great Escape")

Execution, The- He was supposed to be executed for his crime, but someone took his place. Jesus has taken our place too. ©1998

*Fat Cats- (About the worthlessness of military revolutions.) ©1989

*Fire Starter?- Bible tract presents the Gospel with the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. ©1986

*First Jaws, The- God loved Nineveh enough to send Jonah to warn the city. ©1985.

Flight 144 -A couple spends 30 years on the mission field. But when they die and stand before God, they learn that good works can't save... only Jesus can. ©1998

Fool, The -When the king was dying without Christ, the jester knew he had found a bigger fool than himself. ©1992

***Four Brothers - (Four brothers attend a 1930's Revival meeting as children and accept Jesus. ©1987)

*Frame Up, The- (A condemned con complains to the chaplain about being framed. The chaplain tells about has Jesus was framed. ©1972)

*Gay Blade, The- (The dangers of homosexuals and how they are trying to be mainstreamed. ©1972)

*Going Home -Peter has AIDS, but after he met Christ he knew he would never die. He was just going home. ©1992

*Going to the Dogs- The story of Ahab and Jezebel shows that God watches and records everything.©1992.

Gomez is Coming -Gomez is an imprisoned gang leader. A chaplain leads him to Christ his last night in prison. In a surprise ending, Gomez forgives. ©1996

Great Escape, The- A youth learns the only way to escape this doomed earth is Jesus. ©1991 (A Reissue of "Escape" from ©1971)

Great One, The -When he stood before God, the Great One learned that he wasn't so great after all ... but it was too late! ©1999

Greatest Story Ever Told -Story of Jesus from birth to resurrection. ©1987

Gun Slinger -A hired killer trusts Christ and, at death, goes to heaven. But the law-abiding marshal who hunted him rejects Christ and goes to hell. ©1997

Happy Halloween -Friends visit a "Haunted House" for a great scare. But when an accident claims a boy's life, his friends learn there is a real hell waiting for all those who die without Jesus. ©1996

Happy Hour -When this alcoholic finds Christ, he becomes a new man. ©1976

He Never Told Us -(Another promotion for Chick Tracts. Admonishes Christians to witness through... you guessed it, passing out Chick Tracts!) ©1993

Hi There! -When Charlie died in his sins, he stood before the Jesus he had laughed at. ©1972

*Hit, The- (A man responsible for killing the husband of a poor woman is givin forgiveness by her as he lays in the hospital. ©1993.)

**Hit Parade, The- (The profits of doom and the last days are recounted. ©1979)

*Holocaust- The Holocaust was a Roman Catholic Inquisition against the Jews. No true Christians would kill anyone in the name of Jesus. ©1984

Holy Joe -His platoon laughed at him, but his testimony lead his sergeant to Christ. ©1972

How To Get Rich -Learn how to gain riches you can take with you when you die. ©1978

Humbug -The famous Christmas story of Scrooge, only this time he's saved. ©1975

*Hunter, The- (Don't let a drug pusher make a sucker out of you! He just hunts for kids to use them and then throws them away. ©1987.

In The Beginning- (A Chick perspective on evolution and what's wrong with it.) ©2000

It's Coming - (Tale of Noah's Ark.) ©2001

*Is There Another Christ? -Have you ever been lied to? Millions have, trusting in "another Christ" to save them. The gospel for Roman Catholics. ©1983

***Ivan The Terrible- (Anti-catholic tract about Ivan's visit with a christian that starts to scare him. ©1984)

**Jeopardy- (Reissue of "Support Your Local Jew" (©1972). Catholic Hitler was just "following orders" when he carried out the Vatican's inquisition of Jews. ©1992)

*Killer Storm, The -(The story of Noah's Ark) ©1991

***Kings of the East- (They yellow menace of China is exposed. Seemed ridiculous in early 1980, but China has since absorbed Hong Kong and seems hell bent on Taiwan. ©1975)

***Kiss the Protestants Good-bye- (anti-catholic tract explaining the dangers of the Vatican and it's smear tactics against Chick tracts. ©1981)

*Last Generation, The -Christ's return will be the only escape for believers. (Reissue of "Last Generation" from ©1972) ©1992

**Last Missionary, The - (A tract aimed at getting missionaries to distribute more Chick tracts! ©1987)

Last Rites -When this Catholic dies, he learns that his church couldn't save him. ©1994

Letter, The -Mildred learns in a dream she wasn't a true friend. She never told Frances about Jesus. ©1982

***Lisa - (Henry has a terrible secret - he's molesting his daughter Lisa! ©1984)

Little Princess, The -Heidi is terribly sick. But when she gets saved on Halloween night, her whole family finds Christ too. ©1998

Long Trip, The -Life is a trip that will end up in one of two places...Heaven or Hell. ©1994

Love Story, A -Who loves you so much he gave you life and left heaven to die for you? It was Jesus! ©1977

Love The Jewish People -God has promised to judge those who turn against Israel and bless those who trust her Messiah. ©1998

**Macho- (Communist revolutionaries take over an embassy and confront a Christian that warns them of their ways. ©1982)

Mad Machine, The -Financial pressures, world tension, crime... only Jesus can give you peace. ©1975

*Miss Universe- (God sent Esther to deliver Israel. ©1987.)

Murph -His priest said he could not know for sure he was saved. But on his deathbed, Murph put his faith in the One who gives assurance of eternal life. ©1999

***My Name? ...In The Vatican?- (Reveals the Catholic conspiracy to destroy protestants and especially Jack Chick. ©1987)

No Fear? -When Lance decides suicide is the only way out of his troubles, he discovers that hell is not the party place described in popular songs. ©1997

One Way! -Using just pictures and very few words, this tract shows that Jesus is the only way to obtain eternal life. Great for children! ©1972

Only Hope, The -Here is a description of the horrible times the Bible says are coming in the future. There is no one to turn to for help but Jesus. ©1985

*Outsider, The- (A bible tract about the story of Ruth. ©1991)

Party Girl -A young woman's brush with death reveals Satan's plot for her destruction. ©1998

*Passover Plot, The- (story of Moses and Egyptian pledges. ©1972)

Pilgrimage, The- (Shows why Muslims, even the "good ones" will burn unless they accept Christ. ©1999)

*Plagues- Bible tract presents the Gospel with the story of the Exodus. ©1991

*Poor Little Witch, The - (Mandy thinks it's cool to practice witchcraft, until she realizes they kill babies and murder traitors. ©1987.)

**Poor Pope?, The- (Reveals how rich the Pope is compared to poverty ridden Jesus and Paul. ©1983)

*Poor Revolutionist, The - (similar to "Fat Cats", revolutionary plots lead to hell- especially for commies.) ©1971

Present, The -The king had a present that he wanted to freely give to those in his kingdom who would receive it. ©1993

*Ransom -When two thugs kidnap a woman and demand a ransom for her release, they learn that Jesus Christ paid the ultimate ransom for them. ©1995

*Reverend Wonderful -When a respected, religious leader dies and stands before God, he learns that his name wasn't in the Book of Life. ©1982

Room 310 -Charlie is dying of cancer. The man in the bed next to him tries to win him to Jesus. A compelling story with a happy ending. ©1973

*Royal Affair, The -When King David repented of his sin with Bathsheba, God forgave him. ©1993

*Sacrifice, The- (Bible story of Abraham and Isaac. ©1991)

**Satan's Master, The - (White Witchcraft vs. Black Witchcraft. What's the difference? Answer: None! ©1986.)

*Scoundrel, The- (Bible story of Jacob. © 1991)

Secret, The -He thought no one would ever know he had hurt his wife. But when the secret got out, it was Jesus who changed his life. ©1999

*Secret of Prayer, The- (Stories of great men of prayer. ©1972)

**Secret Weopon, The- (Chick explains how the Chinese commies used comix, and missionaries should too. ©1994)

Sin Busters -Nobody can keep the 10 Commandments. Jesus is the only way to heaven. ©1991

Sin City- (#3 in series about Bob. Features a gay rally and a gay pasture.) ©2001

Sissy?, The -Duke thought Jesus was a sissy, until a trucker explained to him the horrible price Jesus paid so his sins could be forgiven. ©1978

Slugger, The -When the baseball Slugger learns he is about to die without Christ, he realizes that his money and fame are worthless. ©1998

Somebody Goofed -A young man goofs when he is talked out of receiving Jesus as Saviour. ©1972

Somebody Loves Me -Beaten and alone, a child dies. But Jesus cares. ©1972

*Soul Story -When Leroy got out of prison, the turf war began. But all the time, he kept remembering Grandma and her faith in Jesus. An inner city story. ©1977

*Story Teller, The - (Yussef returns home to his family and tells a shocking story about how Islam has been manipulated by the Jesuits in order to convert them all into Catholics! ©1985)

*Superman?- (Bible story of Samson. ©1990).

Superstar, The -For soccer fans. Roberto's fame and skill were no help when he learned that he had only weeks to live. ©1999

**Support Your Local Jew- (1972. Later reissued as "Jeopardy".)

*Terminator? - (The David and Goliath story) ©1986

That Crazy Guy! -When Suzi got AIDS, she learned that God's demand for sexual purity was for her own good. ©1992

*That Old Devil -Reveals one truth the devil wants kept secret...the blood of Jesus saves! ©1989

Thief, The -When this burglar breaks into the home of a Christian, he wants to get saved too. ©1993

*Thing, The- (Danger of the occult revealed via an Exorcist story. ©1971)

**This Book Has Been Banned- (original version of "Who Me?" )© 1969

This Was Your Life -Your life will be played back at the judgment. Will your name be in the Book of Life? ©1972

Tiny Shoes -When his son died, Juan turned from drinking and gambling to serve Christ. ©1989

Titanic- Chester didn't need God. He would soon be rich. But when the ship began to sink, he learned how little he had. ©1983

Traitor, The -When a Hindu priest meets a man of God, he decides to trust Jesus as his Saviour. ©1990

Trap, The -Forget reincarnation. This tract uses the rich man and Lazarus to show there is no second chance. ©1988

Trial, The -A young girl is sued because she witnessed to her young friend. A humorous story that drives home the vital Biblical truth that Jesus is the only way to heaven. ©1996

Trick, The -Shows Halloween's origin and real purpose. ©1986

True Path, The- A Native American version of One Way. ©2000

Trust Me -"You're gonna love these drugs, kid. Trust me!" But this youngster learns too late that Jesus is the only one he can really trust. ©1974

Tycoon, The -A Buddhist learns Buddha didn't die for his sins. Jesus is the only way to heaven. ©1993

Visitors, The -Two Mormon missionaries learn the truth about their church. ©1984

War Zone- (Great self-promotional tract about modern schools and how only Christ can curb the violence. ©2000)

The Warning- (A tract about a little boy who is nearly killed and learns about Jesus.) ©2000

*Where's Rabbi Waxman? -In this tract, Rabbi Waxman faces prophecies of the Messiah and sees how they all point to Jesus. ©1996

*Who Are They Gonna Remember?- (Another tract promoting Chick tracts. ©1987)

Who Murdered Clarice?- (A tract about abortion. ©2000)

Why Is Mary Crying? -Devotion to Mary doesn't please her. It breaks her heart. ©1987

*Why No Revival? -A message to Christians shows why many churches have no revival. ©1986

Who Me? -(A tract about Jack T. Chick Tracts! Donated from the Rev. Jet Rock collection) ©1998

**Wicked Magistrate, The- (Korean verison has ancient chinese characters on the front cover. ©1988. English version now available through the Chick Tract Club.)

Word Became Flesh, The -Almost all scripture, those with no Bible training will understand who Jesus is. ©1986

Wordless Gospel- (AKA "Picture Gospel", available in New Guinea & Haitian. ©1973 & ©1987.)

***Wounded Children, The- (Explains how a young kid can be turned into a homo by uncaring parents. But Jesus saves him in the end (of the story). ©1983)

