Social Justice Logo

This website has been blocked per article §5972-10301 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, which protects any class of people from being attacked or maligned for their beliefs, practices, or immutable characteristics. The ICCPR is authorized to prohibit websites hosted within member countries that advocate national, racial, or religious hatred, and are deemed to constitute incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence. This page was inspected on 3-30-2013 at 2:44 PM EST and found in Internet noncompliance due to code violations of subsection 22c (religious intolerance towards Muslims and the Islamic faith) and subsection 69g (sexual denigration of same-sex oriented and transgendered persons.) Please report any other sites you encounter that encourage intolerance towards other groups or their behaviors to the following link for review.

Remember, no one should be afraid of the Internet. Be diligent and patrol it to protect freedom for everyone.
