A DEEPER dive into...

(The Pre-quel and further info.)


Early research that led to project KV31: (6:16)



The failed prototype: (1:33)



The Third Test: (1:47)



Company presentation: (8:26)



An unexpected shortfall: (1:01)



The wrong tunnel: (:28)



An unintended adventure. (The first 6 min reveal a lot of the lab background. 14:04)



Various work shifts around The Complex: (2:06)



Parallel Dimensions: (1:40)



Footage recorded from a giant hole going beneath The Complex: (2:23)



Attempting to research the stimulus response of unknown entities: (5:26)




Executive Summery:

Although there is much we do not yet know about The Complex... where it comes from or its purpose... it is safe to say it is the biggest discovery of our time. It has the potential to completely redefine our understanding of science. Knowledge is power and the corporation (and stockholders) that best exploits this discovery will be foremost among all others.

See the Backrooms and the amazing life forms found within at:




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