2-B Reviewed!

Wanna submit a review of your favorite Chick tract? Your help is always appreciated. Go here to see the list of tracts waiting to be reviewed. Then read the tract, write your review and email it to me. I usually post it within a day or two. Be aware that you surrender all copyright to the JTC Museum when you submit a review. This is so we can protect all reviews with just one copyright (ours), and if we ever reproduce them elsewhere, like in a book, we don't have to go tracking down each author to get their permission. (Sorry, I can't offer any monetary remuneration. This is just for the fun of it.)

You may also wish to indicate if you want your email address linked to your review credit, so readers can email you with any comments they have about your review. (It's up to you either way.)

Try to keep each review between 1 and 5 paragraphs long. Tracts that are no longer offered for printing may deserve additional space because most Chick fans have never seen the tract and never will. (Chick only posts images from tracts he plans on selling, so out-of-date tracts like "Ivan the Terrible" are not even mentioned on his site.) Please avoid profanity unless it's %$&#!!! style.

The JTC Museum reserves the right to not to post every review for quality purposes, or to edit them for the same reason. But so far, we HAVE posted every submission and haven't changed much of anything. So if you've got a desire to toss in your 2 cents worth-- go for it! It's fun and remember: Chick reviews get read!


rev. 4/10/02